GOD I am frustrated right now! Have you ever just wanted to smash your fist through a wall when your body ‘refuses’ to respond once you get back on the wagon? Patience be damned, I’m the same as any chick …
Category: “Uncategorized“

8 Ways to Make your Health and Fitness Journey Easier!
Do you sometimes feel like you’re in a rut with your health and fitness and you can’t seem to move forward? We all do from time to time, even the most fit or athletic looking people.
I understand that being …
Getting Back On Track After A Splurge
Why Your Butt Just Keeps Getting Bigger!
Let’s talk hormones. Just for a few minutes, and just in terms of hormones and body fat. ‘Cause let’s face it – as much as we know hormones are relevant to all aspects of …
Why You Can’t Stop Hunting For (Ever MORE!) Food At Night
Night-time. Dinner is done, the dishes washed. It’s a little quieter, finally. Time to relax. No sense of urgency, nothing that *has* to be done. At least not until tomorrow. Today has been taken care of.
Except –
You need …
5 (More) Myths About Female Fat Loss – A Must Read!
Today’s post is another re-vamp of an extremely popular post from 2011. Actually, it’s more of a follow on from last week’s post, in which I spoke about 5 important myths of female fat loss.
Something I failed to …
If It’s Not Working? Stop. Just Stop Doing It.
5 Myths About Female Fat Loss
1. Training Fasted
It’s usually done in good intentions and based on having been told that it’s the best for burning fat, but the truth is that training on an empty stomach tells your body to hold onto fat stores.…