Fellow Melbournian and blogger/fitness guru Craig Harper recently made a comment which really caught my eye. It was one of several useful points in a blog post of his and was simple this –
“You don’t get fat accidentally”
And …
Fellow Melbournian and blogger/fitness guru Craig Harper recently made a comment which really caught my eye. It was one of several useful points in a blog post of his and was simple this –
“You don’t get fat accidentally”
And …
You know by now that intervals training is the key to truly successful cardio. If you want to burn fat, that is, as opposed to end up with chunky fat aerobics instructor syndrome. And perhaps you’ve seen my latest …
I know it won’t come as a surprise to you when I tell you that this time of year tends to be the busiest for Personal Trainers. Any business-minded trainer will have systems in place, training programs drafted, and new …
If you’re familiar with my teachings on ideal exercise for fat loss you may be surprised to know there was a time when I was proud to be known as a certified ‘cardio queen’. Yep. I’d do hours and hours …