We spend so much time thinking and talking about the need to improve our health and our fitness, don’t we? And hopefully some additional time is invested in actually doing something about it! Whether you’re a daily gym rat, an …
Archive for September, 2009
Yummy Protein Pancakes
Is there anything more enticing than the idea of fresh and fluffy pancakes to start your day off? Or for an indulgent post-dinner treat? My mouth is watering just thinking about it. It’s a shame they’re so naughty, or I’d …
The Simple Guide To A Minimalist Life
Why is it, do you think, that we just don’t feel like we’re ‘good enough’ unless our lives are full? Of tasks and errands and appointments, but also of stuff – toys and gadgets and the latest gear. The dream …
Are You Dieting The Right Way? (Or, Why You’re Doomed To Fail And What To Do About It)
Are you dieting? Thinking about going on a diet? Constantly on-again off-again with your diet? Or maybe you’re simply ‘trying to eat well’. Well let me ask you this – how’s all that working out for you? Whether or not …
9 Simple Rules To Eating Healthy While Traveling
There’s nothing more annoying than the realization that your hard-earned health and fitness has gone completely out the window. This can happen all too often if you’re a frequent traveler – in fact, sometimes it can seem as though every …
How To Whip Up A Healthy Chili Con Carne
Is it just me, or is chili con carne one of those childhood favorites that just gets better with time? I became a ‘tex-mex’ addict during a teenage stint living in Germany. Surrounded by Americans, my entire family soon learned …
Why You Should Eat More Saturated Fat
Tim Ferriss’ blog has been a favorite of mine ever since I devoured his book The Four Hour Workweek sometime between Christmas Eve ’07 and Christmas Lunch ’07. And then turned right back to page one. If you haven’t already …
10 Great Ways To Makeover Your Cardio Routine (And Finally Get Lean)
If you swing by regularly you’ll know I’m not the hugest fan of cardio. This is not because I think cardio is without benefits, but because I so often see it performed in the wrong way. The result of which …
Baked Eggs’n’Ham Recipe
Breakfast has to be absolutely my favorite meal of the day. The aroma of good coffee, the delight of food on an empty stomach, the knowledge that I’m fueling my metabolism by eating the right thing early in the day…
The Psychology Of Weight Loss (And Why You Can’t Say No)
There comes a time in most of our lives when we have to stop and say enough is enough. When we’re no longer willing to put up with a situation that’s frustrated, stressed, or just plain annoyed us for months …