I came *this* close yesterday.
This close to undoing weeks, months, actually years of slowly but surely fighting my way out of the clutches of binge eating.
My background, the short version: I was bulimic and a binge eater off …
If there’s one thing that has long terrified the living daylights out of me (and please don’t laugh when I say this) it’s going to bed hungry.
Yesterday one of my clients came round for a final Biosignature check in …
It seems to be a bit of a pattern of mine to keep making things even better even after I think I’ve finished them … I have just added 3 very cool bonuses to my Look Great Naked Bootcamp, …
I’m going to give you my brand new product package for free today. It’s my gift to you. But first, I want to share a little story.
I spent years fighting to get the body I wanted.
Back and forth …