Yesterday I went to see a Poliquin Biosignature colleague for a bit of a chat and some objectivity about my own goals.
Have you ever noticed how it’s so much easier to give other people good advice and help them …
A few weeks back I wrote about the concept of a perfect day – and whether it’s really possibly that you can have one. Not just once, but day in and day out. I guess I’m talking about living your …
If you’re reading this and you workout regularly I’d be very curious to know if you’ve ever tried compression gear. I’m guessing you probably have, since the feedback I’ve had since starting my Skins challenge is mostly:
a) people think …
Today’s post is Part 2 of last week’s guest post by T.J. of Result Based Training Australia (RBT). If you’ve been following my Woman Incredible blog and Facebook page then you’ll know that RBT is not only Melbourne’s premier fitness …
Today I have the absolute pleasure of introducing my Poliquin colleague Rachel Guy. We first met at a Poliquin PICP course last November, but I’d already heard of Rach through mutual friends on Facebook. Truth be told I was …