What Do You Dream About? DO You Dream?
A few weeks back I wrote about the concept of a perfect day – and whether it’s really possibly that you can have one. Not just once, but day in and day out. I guess I’m talking about living your perfect life really, aren’t I?
Before you start with the “it’s alright for him/her/thems” and “they don’t have to consider x, y, z like I do”, consider this.
Nobody ever fell into their perfect life. It’s true that some people seem to be naturally lucky (or perhaps they’re just more positive-minded than average and they seek out luck and opportunity), but most of those so-called lucky people who are living the dream go there through a little bit of planning and a fair bit of hard work. Rachel Guy, who I interviewed last week is one such inspiring example.
put down the lists!
Have you ever considered the concept of spending 5 or 10 or even 30 minutes now and then to really dream? To ponder every detail of how a typical day or week might go when you finally get ‘there’; when you finally become ‘that girl’? I’m talking especially to you; goalsetters and list-makers. You’d think with all the time you spend writing things down, crossing ’em off, and then re-writing them that you’d want to stretch your mind beyond the here and now of your task list from time to time. And maybe, just maybe, stop to consider why it is that you do all of this stuff anyway.
So – why is it? What are you working toward? Don’t give me more money, more time, more freedom. I want specifics! What do you REALLY want; what are your big dreams? In detail please. And please tell me you have at least a semblance of an idea. Or else you’re really just another super-crazy-busy woman working her butt off in the vague hopes of some eventual payoff. And while I really really hope you accidentally get to your ‘there’, I’d bet it will be a fair bit easier if you decide in advance the destination you’re working toward. Change it along the way, if you like. But you gotta have a dream to change a dream.
I know, right – you’re too busy to think of that sort of stuff; never mind sit down and actually do it. And God forbid you invest time into building your dreams. After all, there’s lists to be reviewed!
If you have you’ve done the very simple perfect day exercise (do it; it makes you feel amazing!) – or even if you haven’t – then you’ll love this next idea. I want you to agree to hold off an all that planning and action-taking you’re so good at for just this week; for just today even, and take some more time to just … imagine …
i had a dream …
Have you ever heard of the concept of doing a vision board? You might have even done one before, right – maybe around the time that the movie The Secret was out? It’s a really cool idea; mainly because it forces you to stretch your thinking about what is possible for YOU (psst: anything!). It forces you to think big; to think exciting; to think FABULOUS!
A vision board can be either written or pictorial, or both. It doesn’t have to be a collage; you might not be that creative. It could simply be a bullet point list on your laptop, a carefully crafted collage of images and thoughts, quick notes and pictures tacked onto a corkboard, or a scrapbook of messy ideas. All that matters is that it’s a ‘no-limits’ place for you to dream. To get a little crazy and dwell on the really really cool things you are going to bring into your life. It’s not what you think you should be focusing on, or what you’d say to someone else if they asked you, and it’s certainly not your ‘safe’ ideas of your dreams.
It’s what you really really want.
And it’s something you can start off with just one idea or image. The fun is in building it slowly and in keeping with your changing thoughts. There might be a couple of really big things you can think of right away and stick with, but you can put a whole bunch of small stuff down as well. The only rule is there are no rules, and you’re allowed to be as outrageous as you like!
This is a very personal exercise, and one that you would not necessarily share with anyone, but I want to let you in on some things from my own personal dreams. I have tons of different journals, scattered all around the house. I think I have about 6 on the go afterwards. If anyone ever tries to read them in some kind of order they’re going to fail miserably. I choose which one I want to write in depending on my mood, but they’re all visually appealing journals; often leather bound. Whenever I see a journal I love I buy it, and then I just want to start writing in it; hence having so many on the go.
Sometimes I write daily and sometimes not for weeks, but whenever I do come back to my dreaming I feel alive. Inspired. Excited. And ready to take on the world. I become woman incredible. If you’ve never really dared to dream, then I dare you to try it. I guarantee you’ll be nothing short of blown away at how inspired and powerful you feel after even just a few minutes. To help start you off and get the creative juices flowing, here are some of my dreams at the moment.
- It is early 2012, and I finally own my dream car; a Mercedes SLK500 (I’ve wanted this car since my teens, and even though it is now highly impractical as a Mum I refuse to let go of this dream!)
- It is the end of 2011 or before and I have enjoyed a year round completely visible 6-pack (yes, shocker, I’m vain :))
- It is NOW and I enjoy perfect sleep night after night (I still fear not sleeping, after years of suffering insomnia following the breakdown of my first marriage)
- It is July 2011 and I can do a set of 12 full range-of-motion neutral grip chin ups on a 3010 tempo
- It is July 2011 and I can bench press 60kg for at least 5 full depth reps at 4010
- It is July 2011 and I can squat 80kg for 5 reps (butt to hamstrings), on a 4020 tempo
- It is July 2011 or before and I finally have zero credit card debt – and I’m determined to keep it that way!
- It is the year 2020 or before and our family is complete. We have 2 or 3 more healthy kids and my body has done me proud through all of it by remaining springy and lean!
- It is the year 2013 or before and we now own 4 investment properties
- It is the year 2013 or before and we live in our dream house – a fabulous 4 bedroom plus study, granite kitchen, landscaped garden, pool, 2 lounges, double garage, beautiful front yard, quiet street house (I could write 1000 words just on that house!)
- It is 2011 and beyond and I continue to attend at least 2 Poliquin courses each year, as well as at least 1 other course relevant to speaking/blogging/writing each year. These are mainly in Australia, but some overseas.
- It is 2011 and beyond and we have at least one family overseas holiday each year for at least 2 weeks, plus at least one domestic holiday each year for at least 2 weeks
- It is early 2012 or sooner and I’m a nationally acclaimed and in demand presenter on how to be an incredible woman and live your dream! My events, and the events I’m hired to speak at, sell out every time.
- It is mid 2012 or sooner and I have self-published over 5 books, all of which have sold several thousand copies, and I have also had a book published and distributed through major bookstores to great acclaim – this will probably be my new novel-slash-self-help book which I’m working on at the moment.
- It is late 2011 or sooner and I have a regular monthly column in a leading women’s health and fitness magazine.
- It is NOW and I workout 5-6 times a week and continue to fuel my body with the most healthy and nutritious food; which I love to do. I eat this way at least 95% of the time. (This dream is already true, but it doesn’t hurt to reinforce it!)
- It is late 2011 or sooner and I have presented at a Business Chicks networking breakfast
- It is mid 2011 or sooner and I have one of Australia’s top 100 blogs
Once I’m on a roll with this stuff I could go on for ages, but I’ll leave it there! So – over to you. What do you dream about? DO you dream at all, or have you forgotten how? I’d love it if you’d be willing to share one of your dreams in the comments section! A real one – don’t try and think of something that sounds good for the sake of others unless you really want that as well!
And remember –
Life is Now. Press Play.
Want To Know The Secrets That Got Me From This…To This?

I’m significantly leaner now than I used to be. Healthier too. It took me a good 4-5 years to really learn all of this and then to gradually streamline my knowledge so that I knew how to make it work for others as well. That’s when I decided to create Secrets Of Lasting Weight Loss Revealed. You won’t find any magic one-trick-wonder but you will find a detailed manual not just for weight loss, but for improved digestion, energy, sleep patterns, stress management, and ultimately for ideal health and happiness.
Find out more & grab your copy HERE.
Want To Know The Secrets That Got Me From This…To This?

I’m significantly leaner now than I used to be. Healthier too. It took me a good 4-5 years to really learn all of this and then to gradually streamline my knowledge so that I knew how to make it work for others as well. That’s when I decided to create Secrets Of Lasting Weight Loss Revealed. You won’t find any magic one-trick-wonder but you will find a detailed manual not just for weight loss, but for improved digestion, energy, sleep patterns, stress management, and ultimately for ideal health and happiness.
Find out more & grab your copy HERE.

This is something I’m doing more and more of these days – it really is true, once you start really thinking and envisioning your dreams, they will happen. I’ve also found that once you truly believe in something (and yourself!) you’ll be amazed at the feeling you get when you can honestly tell another person what those beliefs and dreams are. I’m 25 now and feel that I’m beginning to know who I am at a faster pace than ever. Here are some of mine as well as dreams that my husband and I share – there is no ‘I’ in ‘Team’!
– By mid 2011 I will have a formal marketing qualification under my belt.
– In 2011 I will buy myself a push bike and ride those short distances – tick! Did this on the weekend.
– By 2012 I will have a job that involves my two passions: health/wellness/sport and marketing.
– By 2012 my husband and I will be out of my parents place and into our own!
– In 2012 my husband and I will travel to North America and Europe for at least six weeks.
– In 2011 I will volunteer my marketing expertise to friends/family who might be starting their own businesses to add to my work experience and experience what it is like working for myself – have started job no.1
– See abdominals by 2012!
– Have baby no.1 by 2014/15 (Note: The abdominals goal may need some close attention after this)
– By 2013/2014 I will have a business plan for myself – I dream to be able to have children and look after them at home for at least the majority of the week!
– Buy property no.2 by 2014/15
They’re just a few, I have a few more that swirl around my head from time to time ?
Amazing Natasha, thankyou so much for sharing! It’s so great to right your goals as if they’re already real, isn’t it? And I love your comment about the post-baby abs!!!
Aughhhh, I mean write; not right! Terrible!
Hey Kat, I’ve just come back to this post and what impeccable timing! I’m a huge advocate of dreaming big, writing it down and reviewing daily (as much as possible anyway.) I’ve just sat down to re-evaluate and re-create my vision…
For the last 4 months I have been striving for the following…
It’s April 25th and I am finally in South America, speaking fluent Spanish, documenting my experiences through photography and skillful writing on my newly successful blog. The passive income from the rental of my apartment, blogging and travel writing allow me to spend my days volunteering within the communities I visit.
(followed by crazy detailed action plan!)
A bit of revision is now needed and with the extra time, perhaps I’ll brush up on my Spanish and writing skills and get in another photography class!! Thanks Kat! Always great to read your positive, focused posts!!
PS Nicely done Natasha!!
Hey Jess! Great to hear from you here on Woman Incredible ? you are one of the best big dreamers I’ve ever met and I’m so glad that this post resonated with you!
I have been going through your archives on my lunchbreak and just read this post…love it! I have never written down a dream or specific goal, they just kind of fly around my head when I’m daydreaming…I’m going to sit down tonight and give it a go and then get back to you tomorrow ?
Thanks for always being inspiring Kat! (and the other ladies who post on this blog!)
My pleasure Crystal … it’s such a positive thing to do. I’m back in the habit of journaling nearly every day, and I swear by it!
[…] even you – about the power of doing this exercise. And yet – even though some of my earlier perfect life visualisations have in fact now come true (although I have changed my mind about point #1, I find I don’t […]