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Want Jennifer Aniston’s Lean Physique? Here’s How

March 25th, 2009

Love her or hate her (or her hair), there’s no denying Jennifer Aniston has a hot body wanted, albeit in different ways no doubt, by girls and guys alike.

Of course it doesn’t take long to research how she got in such great shape, but what you really want to know is how can you translate that into sculpting and toning your body into a lean work of art.

Let’s take a look at what Ms Aniston does and how that can benefit you:

How Jennifer Aniston Eats

Jennifer’s a long-time fan of the Zone diet (40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein) and one of its most famous success stories. So should you jump on the Barry Sears bandwagon?

In my experience the Zone diet is one of the lesser of many diet evils out there in the big bad world of Internet health-care. Compared with conventional health wisdown (food pyramids and typical magazine advice), the Zone at least has decently indicated your requirement for significant proteins and fats.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the years it’s that one-size-fits-all does not work. And when in doubt, cut back on carbs. Before you label me ‘crazy Atkins label’. (I’ve never followed Atkins specific advice although the way I eat is pretty similar), consider this. If you lived in nature, as you’re designed to, you wouldn’t have access to all year round carbohydrates such as grains, fruits, and even most vegetables.

If you’re thinking maybe this could explain why eating vast quantities of the stuff month in-month out could be screwing with your health and your metabolism, you’d be right. I’ve written previously on seasonal eating but what you really need to do to be in great shape is eat right for your unique metabolic type. I’ve used Metabolic Typing with literally hundreds of clients, and have had phenomenal results across the board. This is because everybody’s different. Jen’s been lucky enough to hit on the right diet for her, but who’se to say it’ll work for you. Find out more about Metabolic Typing here.

What Sort Of Exercise Does Jennifer Aniston Do

Jen’s a big spruiker for Budoken, a celebrity-rich, LA based (where else!) integration of yoga and martial and living arts. Budoken is not yet available all over the world, but yoga and martial arts sure are, and – as you can see – she’s definitely on the right track here.



If you want to whip yourself into tip-top shape, then you absolutely must incorporate some form of strength training into your exercise routine. Strength training – typically with weights but martial arts and some forms of yoga are also great – is the best way to build lean muscle and increase your base metabolic rate. You don’t have to worry about ending up bulky – you’d need a specific ‘muscle-gain’ program to do that. I advise all my clients to lift weights at least 2-3 times each week for 30-45 minutes, and have found this by far the most effective way to lose body fat and create a sculpted look.

I also advise my clients to complement their weight training/strength work with some stretching, and I’ve personally found Bikram yoga to be my favourite way to do this. You’ve got heat, you’ve got stretching, you’ve got core and strength work designed to create long lean muscle – what more could you want! I highly recommend you add in some yoga and/or some martial arts to your weekly routine if you’re looking to be in tip-top shape.

PS – cardio will NOT give you a great body! In fact, it will probably make you gain weight. Check out this article if you’re not convinced.

What Else Does Jennifer Aniston Do To Look So Amazing?

Well we have to assume she has more than the average amount of assistance in the kitchen, home, workout room, and life in general. It’s easy to assume that you too could effortlessly be in great shape if you were rich or famous, but the truth is that every hot, fit celebrity has worked hard to look the way they do. And with a fair bit of public scrutiny that you probably don’t have to deal with.

The long and short of it is that reading this blog and other like-minded info sources (check out my list of recommended blogs below on the right) will give you all the info you need to make your own hot body, but it’s still up to you to do the work. I guess it helps to remember that being in great shape is as much a journey as a destination – I hope this article has given you some useful pointers for the next leg of your BodyIncredible trip!

Life is Now. Press Play.


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4 people have commented
  1. Carla says:

    Its so hard to follow anyone’s diet advice when our bodies are so different. I think its good to follow what someone else is doing, or advice from a book, etc to start, but you may need to modify as you go.

    When some people find out how I eat to stay healthy and fit, they gasp in horror, but it works for me. Some people can probably be a little less strict and vice versa.

  2. star tattoos says:

    nice post, thx for sharing it

  3. Jennifer Aniston i love your acts, your movies, shows and others especially friends. I just love them

  4. Uriel Broom says:

    Uriel Broom…

    wow, awesome article.Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic….