10 Quick Tips To Take-Away From Last Week’s Transformation Day
1. Eat the meat and nuts breakfast, or some version thereof as your first meal of the day. You’ll spark optimal neurotransmitter (seratonin and dopamine) function, kickstart metabolism and detoxification, and just plain old feel good. Options include red meat, chicken, fish with a few nuts. Eggs are okay, salmon, berries if you can’t have nuts.
2. A quick tip to speed up fat loss is to eat at least 50 grams of pure protein before lunch. You can read about this here, and I mean not including lunch.
3. A self-help/lifestyle strategy that is actually scientifically proven to work is the grateful list. Record 5 things you are grateful for that happened that day, and 5 things you are grateful for that are yet to happen. I learned this from Charles Poliquin several years back and it remains a favourite night time routine.
4. Still can’t get your head around meat for breaky? How about a yummy protein smoothie. Protein is king! Woman Incredible protein is sugar and ‘crap’ free and tastes amazing. Plus you (still) get a free protein recipe ideas book when you try it.
5. If you’re not getting results, chances are good that your training needs more structure. Crazy-circuit-style is great a couple of times a week, but to develop lean muscle and reduce body fat you may need to learn to pay attention to variables such as rest times and tempos as well as sets and reps. And lift heavier! The girls at last week’s workshop were all in above average fitness and mostly work out regularly, but I was able to take them to a ‘whole new level’ when it came to experience ideal effort in a workout.
6. Practice good sleep hygiene to improve insulin sensitivity and burn more fat. Really! Keep the room pitch black and switch all electronics off at the wall.
7. Beat sugar cravings by eating a spoonful of fat. If you crave sugar, you usually need more fats/protein … and if you crave fat, you usually need more fat. So you can’t go wrong ? organic/raw cream or coconut oil are great options. You can mix it with a teaspoon of glutamine to really bust your sweet tooth.
8. You are not alone in being busy/stressed and feeling overwhelmed. Give yourself credit for being a woman who is prepared to learn and do what it takes to transform your own life/health/body. Admit also that you won’t always be able to be and do everything you plan! But be smart about the things that make life easier, like exercising first thing or batch-processing cooking a couple times each week.
9. Invest in yourself at least 3-4 times a year. This could be by taking a full day to learn and be inspired (like attending the next Woman Incredible Transformation Workshop in your city!) or simply by heading to the hills with a great book/your journal/a good friend or your partner!
10. Stop and acknowledge yourself once in a while. Note down the great things you’ve already achieved this year, and the little things as well. Recognise that it’s good to be you and that you are improving and learning every month if not every week and day. And always remember to enjoy the journey rather than get caught up in what’s yet to come.
After all –
Life is now. Press Play.