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It’s Good To Be You Today!

November 28th, 2011

Here is a mantra for you today. You can tweak it if you like. The theme is feeling calm, happy, centered – and that it’s good to be you. I’ve written it for you to read aloud to yourself.

“I’m enjoying the feeling of moving a little slower this morning. I choose to no longer spend my life rushing; on fast forward; always in such a hurry. I now choose to spend my controllable time feeling calm.

I choose to take things slowly. To engage. To enjoy the moment. And to prioritise ______ (your most important value) as my number one thing. _______ is my number one right now, and everything I do works toward achieving more of ________. So because _________ is my number one, it doesn’t matter if other things sometimes get left behind. It doesn’t matter.

MY life is not about working my butt off. My life is about working smarter rather than harder. About having lots of time for _________, and for ________ (what do you want lots of time for?!). For laying around doing nothing and enjoying life, but also for contemplating and learning. For connecting.

I acknowledge that there will always be more tasks I could do in a given month, week or day. By accepting this fact I believe I will be more productive, in a calmer and happier way. It’s okay to do just what I can do. It’s okay to be me. It’s GOOD to be me.
I choose today to have a happy relationship with food. I choose to eat mindfully, when I’m hungry but not before. I choose to eat foods that are delicious and appeal to me and are also full of great nutrition. Foods that are alive with energy and vitality. Most importantly, foods that make me feel alive, energised, and GOOD.

I promise to give myself at least 5 minutes today to stop and be mindful. To slowly observe everything around me, how I feel, everything about me. And to enjoy the renewed ability to live in the moment afterwards.

This is where I am in time, in my life, in space. This is who I am. And I’m grateful for all of it, as well as grateful for what is to come.”

Life is Now. Press Play.


PS: Now would be a really great time to write a grateful list, don’t you think? If you like, leave a comment about what you’re grateful for/why it’s good to be you today.

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7 people have commented
  1. Palo says:

    Thanks Kat for this invitation to reflection and especially tranquiladad. Do all step by step and even enjoying the dishes;-D Just last week I posed this very thing. Do it all more quietly and trying to enjoy the moment and things that I like. I myself, in the rush of everyday stress and I think I do not feel well. Thanks again for reminding us with your post, that we enjoy more of our day to day, and above all do not stay with the thought that happiness will arrive tomorrow. Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today and above all enjoy it.
    A Big Kiss Kat! ?

  2. Cat says:

    It is indeed good to be me today, and thank you for the reminder to appreciate and enjoy it! ?

  3. […] Use the added mind-space to read, to catch up with a friend, to go for a walk in nature or just to, well, be. After all, it’s good to be you. […]

  4. Catherine says:

    Hi Kat,
    Love it! Mindfulness is so important not only to enjoy the moments that matter most in life, but so that we can slow down and make the right decisions. Great affirmation on mindful eating.

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