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How To Predict Where You’ll Be 5 Years From Now

August 4th, 2009

It’s so very easy to become caught up in the day to day, isn’t it? I mean sure, you have dreams for your future, and perhaps you’ve even gone so far as to define those dreams into goals. There’s a small chance you actually write down and review those goals from time to time.

But how often do you stop and think about the reality of where you’re headed? Now you might not like this idea very much when you stop and think about it, but the reality is that it’s very simple to predict where you’ll be one, or two, or five years from now. All you need to do is take a look at your current behaviors.

The people you associate with now, the books you read, the websites you ponder – all these are an excellent indication of the person you’re becoming.

A recent article over at Zen Habits is a great place to gain some perspective on this. Guest writer Glen Allsop offers you two very simple but very to-the-point questions to consider. I’d suggest you check it out now – in particular I’d suggest you think about how these questions can be related to your health and fitness goals.

Two Questions To Help You Gain Perspective

Life is Now. Press Play.


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One person has commented
  1. Carla says:

    Since I was diagnosed with MS six months ago (and experienced a subsequent relapse soon after that left me slightly physically challenged) I think a LOT about where I will be in 5 years. Will I be able to run again? Will I have to stop working permanently? Asking myself where I would expect to be can be a downer in some ways because all I think of is the negative. I rather focus on where I WANT to be and work towards that.