Feast On Sunshine And Reduce Your Need For Food

I had a fantastic day yesterday. In fact, so relaxing and energizing was my Sunday that you could say I’m almost fully restored to friendly, satisfied Kat rather than the grumpy she-devil I’ve been acting like (at least some of the time) over the past 4 or 5 days.
We spent the day in Noosa after nearly not bothering to go. The weather wasn’t looking crash hot. In fact, as we cruised the last 10km down the Sunshine Motorway, it looked downright nasty and then proceeded to rain.
But magically, almost as though it was meant to be, as soon as we came within spitting distance of the beach, the skies cleared and the wind calmed. We spent 4 or so hours on the beach, just talking, napping, a little reading, and one or two extremely big tumbles in the waves (okay, that was just me).
Top it off with an incredibly fresh and sumptuous beach-side dinner and it was pretty much the perfect day. The most amazing thing? I didn’t workout yesterday, and for once, I didn’t beat up on myself about it. I must truly have been chilled out.
On our way back to Surfers my boyfriend made an interesting comment, along the lines of the fact that he needs to have some good time in the sun at least twice each year for a week or so. That not only does he love the tan (he’s already Italian so his idea of pale is where most of us long to be. Grr), but that he feels energized from the sun. An inside-out recharge.
“I feel healthier, I train better, and I sleep better. Actually, I don’t think I need as much to eat, either”
I knew exactly what he meant. I’ve always felt so, well, just, good, after being in the sun. I don’t mean roasting in the sun – I’m talking even 15 or 20 minutes of just lying or sitting in the sun on a medium Summer day.
I’ll bet you know what I’m talking about – especially if, like me, you live in a location not overly reliable for it’s sunshine. But when it does come, man – isn’t everybody just in a better mood?
It’s not just a ‘feeling’. Being in the sun has known health benefits including reduced stress, calm moods and emotions, improved digestion, better sleep, and even a higher libido.
So what if you wanted to harness that feeling? Well, maybe you can. Last week I read on interesting article on sun-gazing. It’s been practiced in India for over 2,000 years and has also been documented amongst ancient Egyptians, Tibetans, Native American Indians, Aztecs, Greeks and Mayans.
Sun-gazing a one-off practice that lasts 9 months and is a proven method to greater health for life. It has been said to reduce and almost completely obliterate the need for food, as well as to reverse sub-clinical and even chronic illness. Participants report on reduce tension and worries, greater energy, and a deep feeling of wellness. All this starting from as little as 20 seconds morning and night!
Before you head out in to the noon-day sun and stare straight at it, make sure you read this article. Sun-gazing is a detailed process and requires you to follow some simple rules, or you could permanently damage your retina. Please be advised that I am NOT advocating sun-gazing, I’m just sharing an article I found interesting.
My personal opinion? Maybe there’s something to it – I’d actually love to give it a go but am not sure I could strictly follow the procedure! If anyone does try it make sure you let me know.
In the meantime you’ll find me soaking up the rays any chance I get – if I can’t sun-gaze I can at least lay back and enjoy the benefits of a quick beach siesta. Speaking of which – that’s about enough for now.
Sun’s up!
Life is Now. Press Play.
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Good for you guys!
In spite of the trends, I have always felt that some exposure to sunshine is important, and natural! I very rarely use sunscreen, usually clothing to avoid too much Florida gold ?