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Woman Incredible VIP Access: The Official Launch!

September 29th, 2011

Burn fat, sculpt your body, and create unbelievable confidence and sexiness!

With Australia’s Hottest Female Fat Loss and Transformation Program

"Personal Training Melbourne"On Sunday October 2, at 6pm Melbourne time I am opening the doors to my Woman Incredible VIP Platinum Mentoring and Gold Membership.

If you feel like you struggle to keep up with the day to day of everything you need to do to be in exceptional health then this is absolutely something you’re going to want to know about! In fact I have no qualms in saying that my Platinum Mentoring is, quite simply, everything you need to get into the greatest shape of your life. I’m talking workouts, nutrition, meal plans, recipes, coaching, support, cutting-edge news on nutrition and fat loss – the works, and it’s all delivered to you in a way that makes it ridiculously easy to apply.

Never again will you feel as though you don’t know if you’re really doing what it takes and never again will you feel overwhelmed by everything you could be doing.

why you’re going to LOVE being a woman incredible platinum mentoring client!

  • Daily and PERSONALISED support and ‘how-to’. You will be provided with step-by-step system for getting into the greatest shape of your life. And staying that way!
  • Live like a VIP or celebrity! Obviously women like Jennifer Aniston or Jessica Biel put the work in, but it’s fair to say that they have it pretty good in terms of round-the-clock support and motivation. Chefs, a personal trainer on call every day, their own nutritional adviser, and no doubt a bevy of other people who give them a kick up the butt or a shoulder to cry on when they need it. You will have all of these things – and more!
  • Direct access to Kat. Have any question big or small answered and get direct and personalised feedback and support from Australia’s Female Fat Loss Queen, Kat Eden. 
  • No more information overload. Bite-sized chunks of information and advice ensure you never again feel stressed or confused about where to start. Every day you’ll be told simple things you can do to move forward within your transformation program and ensure you don’t fall off-track.
  • Access to cutting-edge information that you won’t find anywhere else. Stay as up-to-date as I am as I share the kind of knowledge I usually reserve for my one-on-one clients. From hormones to fat loss to nutrition to the latest quick’n’easy recipes, you’ll be constantly ahead of the curve.
  • Follow a high-quality, detailed, systemised and PROVEN training program and get lasting results. I believe that it really is possible for you to transform your body and even your life. But you do need a strategy; a system, and definitely the right support. And that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Subscribe NOW and become a Woman Incredible Platinum VIP


woman incredible mentoring will help you achieve a body to die for!

"Weight Loss Program"

Sarah Taylor –

 “I never imagined I’d be doing a sexy photo shoot at under 11% body fat after losing over 30 kilos!”

"Fat Loss Diet"This photo is Sarah 18 months ago, before beginning her transformation.

The above photo was taken recently when she competed in (and won!) her first figure competition!


"Fat Loss Program Melbourne"Fiona Caddies, ‘FITraining’ Fitness Professional

“So often we have thrown in our face the standard, run of the mill ‘ways to lose fat’ and the standard western diet – this doesn’t work! What you do is amazing Kat; I’d recommend it to anyone wanting to finally change their life and have life-long results!”

"Fat Loss Program"Sophie McPharlin, Mum

“I’m sure your workout melted inches of fat off me already, I really notice a difference!”


"Fat Loss Diet"Jessica Gregory, Corporate Worker

“A year ago I was sitting in my doctor’s office being told that I needed to lose at least 20 kilos. I was a size 18, miserable and officially obese. I had also previously been diagnosed with Polysystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which is a condition that makes it very difficult to lose weight. I had already tried everything – the shakes, detoxes, starvation, soup diets and intense workouts combined with traditionally ‘healthy’ eating. Nothing seemed to work.

6 months ago, I started working with Kat Eden. Kat is my biosignature practitioner, personal trainer, nutritionist and mentor all wrapped up in one and as a result I am now a size 10-12 and have lost a massive 12 and a half kilos… the journey continues and I know that I can definitely do it with Kat’s help. I have more energy, am happier and healthier than I have ever been and people are always asking me how I did it. The simple answer is Kat :)”

I have more amazing transformations I’d love to share with you, but for now let’s talk details.

Oh – and if you haven’t already done so be sure to quickly go and mark October 2 at 6pm Melbourne time in your diary. There is going to be an AWESOME launch sale for you. Partly just ’cause that’s something I want to do for you and partly ’cause October 2 is my birthday and I want you to get something nice too!

what you will get as a platinum mentoring client!

1. DAILY WORKOUTS you’ll find a Woman Incredible workout program in your inbox every single day. Of course you don’t have to actually train every day but you’ll certainly never again struggle with inspiration or know-how. My video workouts show you how it’s done and the description below each vid tells you the finer details. Save up the ones you don’t use, repeat your favourites, choose the ones that look the most fun or the most challenging – the choice is yours! That’s over $4,950 per month of content, based on what I currently charge for a program. 

2. RECIPES AND MEAL PLANS. I think we both know that ‘abs are made in the kitchen’. Time and again my fat loss clients ask me how to make healthy eating more interesting or how to put it all together. From healthy recipes to healthy treat recipes to how to best prepare your food to sample meal plans and guidelines on how much to eat and how often to eat, you’ll have everything you need to know about glorious food at your fingertips! You will be a domestic fat loss goddess ? The content you’ll get in this area each week is worth $1,000 per month. 

3. TRANSFORMATION TOOLS. It doesn’t matter if you have the greatest willpower in the world, every teeny-tiny piece of knowledge at your fingertips, or even a bevy of ass-kicking supporters to make sure you follow through. Your body is best suited to adapt to incremental change, which is why you’ve heard the concept of ’21 days to create a new habit’.   You’ll be introduced to the ins and outs of a new transformation tool every few weeks, ranging from nutrition to fat loss, to blocking factors, to hormones, to training, to mindset and motivation. As a fat loss coach for over 12 years I’ve found that change done step-by-step is far and away the most effective way to get results and this is by far my favourite part of the program – we’re talking about education; about me giving you the tools you need to change your life for good. Currently a weekly consult with me runs anywhere between 125 and 250, which puts your Platinum Mentoring Transformation Tools at a value of $500 – $1,000 per month. 

4. DAILY NUTRITION HABIT. To make sure you easily integrate the finer details into your day to day life, and to guarantee you know exactly what you need to do to keep moving forward, you will receive a daily nutrition habit in your inbox. This will tie in to the transformation habit we’re working on at the time, and will give you specific actions and reminders to work on that day. But that’s not all – 

5. DAILY MOTIVATIONAL TIP. When it comes to getting results, it’s the motivation to follow-through that makes the difference between the winners and the losers. Your daily motivational tip could be anything from a simple kick up the butt to an affirmation, an inspiring success story, a great little read, or maybe even a ‘command’ to take time out and do something special just for you. This will become part of the lifeline that keeps you afloat when you have one of those days where you just can’t be bothered. And for the days when you already feel great? It’ll super-charge your energy and your mood. You’ll be unstoppable! Your daily nutrition and motivation habit are valued $1,250 per month in total. 

6. YOUR VERY OWN VIP PAGE WITHIN WOMAN INCREDIBLE!  You’ll have a unique login and password and will be able to upload as many (or as few) details about yourself as you like. You’ll be able to choose whether to keep those details just between you and me, or make them accessible by the VIP Platinum Mentoring community. This is just part of – 

7. YOUR PLATINUM MENTORING SUPPORT. You’ll be able to record whether you completed your daily nutrition habit and your workout, and I will be able to check this and give you personalised feedback on your VIP page. You can choose whether to have my feedback viewable by others or just for your eyes – it’s personalised coaching to the max! And then there’s – 

8. YOUR PLATINUM MENTORING FORUM. One of the things that attendees at my Woman Incredible Transformation Workshops talk about repeatedly is how great it is to meet like-minded women, all with a similar purpose and goal. While I’ll be there to answer all your questions and to ‘virtually’ hold your hand, sometimes there’s nothing better than engaging with others who are going through exactly what you are. Share your challenges and wins, report how you went with your workout or nutrition habit, or just have a laugh and a chat!  Your Woman Incredible personalised VIP page, forum and unlimited virtual support and feedback from Kat is valued at $250 per month.

 9. PLATINUM MENTORING EXTRAS! Extras will include success stories and case studies from other Platinum Mentoring clients, additional information on Biosignature and hormones, as well as the latest cutting-edge research on nutrition and fat loss, advice on the best supplements for health, energy, and fat loss, access to my personal food, training and supplement diary, surprise bonuses and goodies, and a Platinum Mentoring only discount of minimum 10% on all Woman Incredible products, services and events. Whew! These goodies and extras are valued at over $500 per month

In total you will be receiving between $9,450 and $9,950 of red-hot value per month as a Woman Incredible Platinum Mentoring client!

how woman incredible mentoring will TRANSFORM your body inside and out

"personal training Melbourne"

If you knew that you couldn’t fail, how big would you dare to dream? Who do you think you’d become?

Just imagine …

It’s a few short months into the future. You find yourself waking up day after day feeling increasingly confident and energised.

In fact, you’ve become one of those people who almost literally bounces out of the door in the morning. You feel excited about your life and what you’re achieving.

Every day seems sunny and full of hope and almost daily someone asks how you manage to stay so motivated and in control.

You feel as though FINALLY, once and for all, you are becoming the ‘you’ you always dreamed of being – from the inside out.

I believe that when you take control of your health and the ‘physical’ you, you also take control of your mind and every aspect of the ‘future’ you.

Whether you dream of being wildly successful in your chosen field, of finally feeling certain about the choices you make each day, of having immeasureable energy and vitality or just of walking down the street knowing you own your body, your life, heck even the day, it all starts with taking back control of the way you look, function and feel.

an impossible dream? no, not really. just look at these what these ladies achieved –

"personal training melbourne"Malisa Celeste, The Invisible Assistant:  

“I lost 65kg and had my own 3-page spread in Woman’s Health & Fitness Magazine!”


Joni Burns: “I lost 3% body fat in just a few weeks and would never go back to the way i used to eat!”

Is your story next?

YOU! – “Kat’s Woman Incredible Platinum Mentoring program got me back in my skinny jeans and gave me back a confidence I thought was gone for good !”

"melbourne personal training"

A little over the top? Not really, not when you think about everything that your Platinum Mentoring program entails!

And let’s be honest –

  • If there were no such thing as emotional eating or joy from food perhaps you’d have no qualms eating nothing but greens and protein for the rest of your life.
  • And if you weren’t constantly and unwaveringly bombarded with an often indecipherable amount of information on how to eat, train, think, even breathe for heavens sake then maybe, just maybe, you wouldn’t absolutely love the ideas of a program that will quite literally hold your hand every single day, and guarantee you never feel lost for great food ideas, empowering workouts, or an endless stream of motivation and support.

your platinum mentoring investment

I believe, and my business mentors have told me, that this program is easily worth several hundred per month.

If not more.

My one one one clients often pay that much to me over the course of a month, which is paying not just for knowledge but for my time. You’ve seen what the program is going to include, and the value is real. I’m very aware that the workload for me will be extremely high. But I believe that it’s worth it in order for me to more effectively reach and help transform a broader group of driven women.

Women just like you. Women who know most of what it takes and definitely have what it takes, but just can’t quite seem to throw it all together on a day to day basis.

"personal training melbourne"I really believe that Woman Incredible Platinum Mentoring is the greatest gift you can give yourself this year, and I believe it will change both your body and your life.

A far as cost goes, my goal has always been to make this insanely accessible for you.

And the truth is that despite the amount of time and energy it will take me to put the content together, as a VIP Platinum Mentoring client you won’t be paying for my one-on-one time, which allows me to bring the cost down for you dramatically.

What this means to you as a Platinum Mentoring client is that I’m able to offer you nearly all the benefits of being a one-on-one client, and do so no matter where you live in the world, plus give you a whole lot more. I’m able to do that because I’m not doing the same thing over and over again for numerous people.

So I’m not going to charge you 9,450+ t0 9.950+ per month to be a part of this incredible and numbers-limited program.

I’m not even going to charge you 1,450+ to 9,950+ per month to be part of this mentoring program (a figure which is definitely not unheard of in the online mentoring world).

What I am going to do is release this program at a figure I believe is within reach for every woman looking for high-end coaching and daily support.

  • Between October 2 at 6pm and October 20 at 6pm I will be offering the Woman Incredible VIP Mentoring program for just $97 per month. That’s around $3.23 per day – less than a coffee!
  • After October 20 the doors will close until I’m ready to take on and work with new mentoring clients.

your $1 trial offer – and your 100% risk-free guarantee

I am so certain you are going to just LOVE this program that I want you to try it and fall in love with it before you commit to paying the full price!

That gives you full access to everything we’ve discussed – the workouts, meal plans, personalised support, forum.

The works.

"Online Personal Training Melbourne"And if you decide it’s not for you? You can opt out absolutely no strings attached and never pay another cent. I’ll even refund your $1 :). That’s my satisfaction-guarantee to you.

But don’t forget! The doors WILL close October 20th, 2011, until I feel that existing mentoring clients (and me!) are fully integrated into this new and highly detailed program.

Start your $1 Platinum trial NOW!

stop imagining and start LIVING your dreams

"Personal Training Melbourne" 

Dee Trethewey, Shift Worker

(After doing one of Kat’s workouts) “I have to say that it’s clear I haven’t been pushing myself enough. I must push harder!”  

Amanda Brown, Australia’s Queen of Lean

"Online Nutrition Melbourne"“I have been working with Kat in the capacity of both mentoring and nutrition/lifestyle through Biosignature for the last 1.5 years. In this time my business would have easily doubled while my bodyfat percentage has almost halved!

This the most effective method I have used for creating a full body transformation. I felt that I was at a real sticking point with getting lean and Kat was able to get me through this hurdle.”

Tanya de Pasquale, Accountant in training to be Personal Trainer

 "Online Nutrition Melbourne"“Kat has always been very down to earth and realistic in her approach to nutrition and training, which I loved. She understands that sometimes life gets in the way of our nutrition and training goals (or our own minds and emotions get in the way!) and she patiently helped me address these challenges.

Over the past year I have achieved things that I never thought I could, things that I am very proud of. Kat has been an invaluable support through this journey. I haven’t quite reached all of the goals yet but I am sure that Kat will still be there along the way.”

woman incredible vip gold membership

The Woman Incredible VIP Platinum Mentoring program is going to be fantastic. I can say in all confidence that the content will be the most detailed, results-orientated, and motivational that you’ll find anywhere online; at any price.

Let alone such a great one ?

I’ve done my research and I not only believe but I know this program is going to change the bodies (and lives) of many driven women around the world. I hope you’ll be one of them.

That being said, I know that mentoring isn’t for everyone and that’s why I have both the Platinum Mentoring on offer, but also the Woman Incredible Gold Membership.

The difference is essentially that mentoring is more personalised coaching, whereas membership simply gives you access to information that you wouldn’t have as a non-member.

Monthly Value Monthly Value
Workouts Daily 4950 Weekly 1000
Recipes & Meal Plans Multiple each week 1000 Weekly 1000
Transformation Tools Daily 500-1000 Platinum Mentorship Only
Nutrition Tips 1250 Weekly 180
Motivation Tips
Bonuses Ongoing 500 Ongoing 250
VIP Page 250 Platinum Mentorship Only
Forum 250
Personal Support from Kat! 250
TOTAL VALUE!! $9450+ total value p/month $2430 total value p/month
Your Investment Just $97 monthly! Just $27 monthly!


And considering it’s only going to cost you a dollar to try out Platinum Mentoring or Gold Membership for a month, you really don’t have anything to lose, do you?

As a member you do need to be more self-motivated. While it’s not possible to provide as much information or support as what daily mentoring offers, you will be given the tools you need to transform your body and suggestions on how to make it work for you.

you’ve got nothing to lose!

Sign up to your Platinum Mentorship by clicking the button below

Sign up to your Gold Membership by clicking the button below

Decide now that you can and will transform your body and your life. All you need is the desire and a little motivation to start you off. Cause you can bet your bottom dollar that I’ll bring the rest and I’ll be there for you every step of the way.

Natasha Mason, Marketing Officer

"Melbourne Personal Training"“Kat is full of knowledge about what does work and what doesn’t in regards to nutrition and training. I thought I knew it all (I have a university degree in Nutrition and Sport Science) but for years I strived to be as ‘healthy’ as I could be, only realising that what I was doing pushed me around in circles, I never had the body/mindset I was truly happy with.

Kat will tell you everything (yes, she is very generous!) and whether you’re already on your way (yep, Kat’s approach works!) or you get surprised with about nutrition and supplements, you’ll be shown exactly how to train, you’ll eat the way you should eat and you’ll be surrounded by other incredible ladies at the same time.

Kat Tassone, Personal Trainer and Fitness Competitor

"Weight Loss Program"“I have been working with Kat Eden for over 3 months I have been amazed with my results in this short period of time. Kat’s diverse knowledge & understanding of nutrition & training is one of a kind. From fat loss, building lean muscle, to general health & well being Kat is one of the best professionals in the business.

Whether your just starting out, looking to try something new or already in the industry yourself, I highly recommend Kat as a coach, trainer & mentor – thank you so much for all your help Kat, I would not achieved what I have today without you!”

mark your diary now!

You’ve seen the value for yourself – it’s real, and it’s most likely more than you even need when it comes to being coached to transform your body and your life. I’m serious when I say that doors WILL close at 6pm Melbourne time October 20th, and that goes for both the Platinum Mentoring and the Gold Membership.

I’m also serious when I say you’re going to love it.

I can’t wait to open the doors up and get your ultimate fat loss and transformation program underway!

Sign up to your Platinum Mentorship by clicking the button below

Sign up to your Gold Membership by clicking the button below

"Kat Eden Australia's Female Fat Loss Queen"

PS: For how long now have you been telling yourself that this is your year, that now is the time you’re going to get your butt completely into gear and finally transform the way you look and feel? If you’re motivated and determined that this really will be your year then you have what it takes to get started. Let me bring the rest and ensure that your dreams of feeling in complete confidence and control finally do become reality.

PPS: $1 to get started for a whole month? You’d have to be crazy not to test it out! Remember doors are only open to sign up until October 20 6pm, Melbourne time. Schedule it in now and get ready to become a Woman Incredible VIP with the hottest fat loss program out there!

Enter your name and email below for instant access!

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