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Woman Incredible Organic Protein Is Here! And So Is Your Discount Voucher!

September 15th, 2011

"Organic Protein Powder Melbourne"

It’s finally here, I have my very own Woman Incredible online store!

And well. Can I just say that I am so super-duper excited to actually have my own ‘brand’! Not just because I think it looks EXTRA cool (hey – you know I’m right), but because this organic protein is seriously GOOD stuff. And I mean good as in great for you, but yes it’s also extremely tasty.

Naturally so.

My client Kylie was the first incredible woman to try it, and here’s what she had to say – without me even asking, I might add.

Hi Kat! Just wanted to say that the vanilla protein shake I had this morning would have to be the best tasting protein shake I have tasted. It was delicious and I wanted more!

grass-fed organic protein that tastes amazing – what more could you want?!

If you’re a details kind of gal you’ll be happy to know that Woman Incredible Whey Protein Isolate is 100% organic and grass-fed, and is 99% lactose free, super-high in protein & low in fat and carbohydrates.

This makes it one of the most digestible & absorbable products on the market. It comes in a great range of delicious flavours (chocolate, coffee, and cherry-choc are my personal faves), all sweetened with the herb stevia which has zero effect on your blood sugar and is NOT an artificial sweetener.

And at a ‘launch-only’ price of $65 for 1kg it’s a bargain-basement steal ?

your $10 discount – and a small gift!

 To celebrate the launch of my store I ‘d like to offer you FREE shipping (normally $10) on your first order, valid until October 2, 2011. If you’re an early bird who has already placed their first order you qualify for this discount off your next order.

Furthermore, just by placing an order for protein you’ll receive a FREE copy of my Woman Incredible Protein Recipe Ideas booklet – with healthy meal/snack ideas and some pretty devilish treats.

organic protein and t-shirts and treats, oh my!

Of course it’s not all about protein ?

Make sure you check out the store and see all of the other exciting things I have sourced for you, from locally made organic skincare chock-full of delicious ingredients like orange and chocolate, to raw cacao and superfood goodies galore, to the Woman Incredible merchandise you simply have to have, to my latest books and courses, your only question will be where to start!’

That’s it from me … I’m off to train and then down my chocolate shake ?

Life is Now. Press Play.

"Kat Eden, Australia's Female Fat Loss Queen" 

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21 people have commented
  1. Crystal Thornton via Facebook says:

    Had the strawberry flavor this morning – delicious!

  2. I just had natural with raw cacao added after my backyard workout ?

  3. Tony Sfeir Swiss Choc Pea Protein atm =)

  4. Well you have to try mine next haha!

  5. Kat Kladakis via Facebook says:

    Hi what does the choc flavor have in it? Can’t seem to see nutritional profile thanks ?

  6. I only JUST bought a new 1.3kg tub of the pea protein too haha, so will try yours next time!

  7. Hey Kat – I’ve got the choc one in front of me now; ingredients are whey protein isolate, cacao & stevia. All natural, it’s delicious ?

  8. Rema Leak via Facebook says:

    I just bought some!!

  9. Thanks Mal! Thanks for the order Rema (and everyone else!) let me know what you think!

  10. Oh, @Kat the nutritional profile doesn’t show on phone or iPad yet but will show on computer ? but Mal is correct!

  11. Rema Leak via Facebook says:

    Kat, do you have with milk or water?

  12. Amy Snowdon via Facebook says:

    which tastes better – natural protein with added raw cacao or the chocolate protein?

  13. Hi Rema, you don’t need milk just add water. If you blend with ice it’s amazing; so refreshing. I also add glutamine, glycine and primal greens if after training, and you could add cinnamon or berries or all sorts of things … as you’ll see in the free recipe booklet you got ?

  14. @ Amy, personally I prefer natural with raw cacao if after training for some reason but when I occasionally have a shake as breaky I prefer chocolate or coffee flavour. The coffee is not caffeinated by the way, it just tastes like coffee ?

  15. Rema Leak via Facebook says:

    Thanks so much, Kat.

  16. Kat Kladakis via Facebook says:

    Is chocolate nice? Or choc mint better?

  17. I like them both equally … I think mint and chocolate is either a love/hate thing

  18. Kat Kladakis via Facebook says:

    Thanks think I’ll give choc a try ?

  19. Amy Snowdon via Facebook says:

    thanks kat, will have to order some asap!! ?

  20. Kacey says:

    Kat, I absolutly love the chocolate. I’d have to say its the best tasting protein shake I’ve ever tried. I’ve still got heaps left but at that price and with free shipping, I’m placing an order for another tub today. Thanks heaps : )

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