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Why You Can’t Quite Get The Body You Want – And What to Do About It

October 3rd, 2012

One of the most common fears around getting the body you want is the fear that it will be difficult or even impossible to maintain afterwards.

It’s a fear that can actually stop you from ever getting there in the first place, because why on earth would you want to work your butt off for something you believe you can’t then hold onto?

And when you really stop and think about what this fear means, it’s not even about the actual work or sacrifice although of course that is part of it.

What it is about is living according to the standards you’ve set for yourself.

You see, whether or not you realise it, you see yourself a certain way.

As the busy woman who juggles so many things.

As the one whose friends come to her for nutrition or exercise advice.

As the Mum who manages to (just!) stay on top of everybody’s schedules and perhaps even her own.

As the fit and healthy girl who is in good shape but just can’t quite seem to breakthrough to being in great or freaking amazing shape.

As the successful one who is driven and focused and certainly busy, and who so many people look up to and take inspiration from, but yet who is quite quite sure that the way she is living her life is not exactly as it could be.

But yet who also doesn’t really know what the dream life would look like; who can’t seem to form a mental image and who therefore simply doesn’t know how to move forward or change.

However you see yourself, however you think others see you, it is a standard that you have set for yourself.

An upper limit, if you like.

And whether it’s sub-consciously or aloud, you say to yourself – this is who I am.

This is where I’m at.

Going further; breaking through that upper limit would require something I either don’t have or am unwilling to give or am unworthy of having even if I did truly give it my all.

The truth is this –

It’s easier to stay average than to raise your expectations of who you are and how you will live your life. Imagine that you finally reach your body goal.

Just close your eyes and imagine –

You’re on the beach.

In a bright blue bikini.

You are tanned.

Your hair is shiny and soft.

You’re standing talking to someone and have one thumb casually tucked into your bikini bottoms just above the hip bone. And you can feel that hipbone.

You’re confident, happy, uplifted. Proud.

Tell me –

What do you think having that body would mean for you?

How would it make you feel, sure, but also –

In what way would it require you to live differently to what you are right now?

Would it mean you would have to be more prepared with your food?

Give up relying on doing the best you can while out and about?

Stop pressing snooze and actually hit up that morning workout day after day?

Wean yourself off the little daily treats that you think you need to de-stress or be happy?

Get support to actually once and for all break the patterns of self-sabotage or limiting behaviours, and to deal with negative beliefs?

It’s daunting, isn’t it?

The truth is that for your body to change, whatever you are doing right now does need to change.

Perhaps not drastically.

But often even the final 10 or 20% is what holds us back.

Not wanting to give up that one thing.

Not wanting to go the extra mile or even the extra step.

It really is easier to stay average.

Especially when your average is probably most people’s great.

It’s safer as well, to remain where you are.

You know what to expect of yourself, and you’re able to meet that expectation. You’re able to easily live up to others expectations of who you are and how you live your life.

This means less judgement. Less attention. Less fanfare.

All the things that, if you did get them, might make it even scarier to think about maintaining that goal once met.

So what most people will do is that on an inner level they will recognise all of this, and rather than put themselves in a situation of having to raise their standards, their expectations and the expectations of others, and of having to then continually meet those new standards, they will remain stagnant.

They will not go the extra mile.

They will avoid letting go of their comforts and clutches, the things they think they enjoy but that really offer little except a quick release.

And they will bitch and moan and complain about how they’ve tried everything and how they just can’t quite get there.

And probably, they will never ever realise that the only thing stopping them is them. But you, you’re not most people. Or are you? The choice is yours.

And I believe you’ll do what it takes.

And – this next bit may help ?

Private Coaching with Me – To Get You Gorgeous, Happy and Free

I’m opening up my calendar to new coaching clients as of late October, and – as I do – I’m doing it with a few special extras and a bit of bling attached. I work with women who are driven, focused, and health smart but yet continually struggle to fully achieve their goals. I have an intuitive knack for picking up on the beliefs and fears that hold my clients back as well as being able to instantly pinpoint where they best need to spend their time and focus. Here is what one of my beautiful clients, Justine, has to say about my coaching –

After only 2 sessions with Kat I was amazed at the knowledge she had already gained about me. She knew things about me that I didn’t even know. But when she explained these things I could see and understand.

She is very easy to talk to and at times I struggled to give her answers to the questions but she worked through the questions with me. I am already feeling the benefit of her coaching and can feel the changes starting to happen! The homework that Kat gives is always relevant to the coaching session and helps reinforce what we have spoken about.

Even though I am only at the beginning of my journey I would recommend Kat’s coaching to anyone wanting to find happiness and peace within themselves and how to live your life to the best of your ability by looking after yourself.

Kat – where do I start. Maybe the most honest thing I can say is that working with you privately has allowed me to shift through the fog and clutter in my head, work out what I really want, what makes me happy and what is holding me back. You have also helped me to define some concrete next steps and goals that I am working towards. I like the saying thay Good people have people to help make them better. Having a coach like you is helping me become a better (best) version of me.

Justine Reanney

Why do coaching?

Coaching with me is focused around helping you breakthrough limiting behaviours and beliefs that have so far stopped you from quite getting you to where you want to go. Specifically I specialise in overcoming emotional eating and food addiction, beating addictive behaviours like workoholism and busy-ness, and helping you to find and live your life purpose and passions. Some of the benefits of coaching with me include:

  • Learn how to beat food addiction and food bondage
  • Identify your true goals and dream life – the basis of your purpose
  • Become free of the need to be busy and ‘on’ all the time as a means of escape, and instead learn to be mindful and focused on what you truly want to create in your life
  • Find out the key blocking points for you. Which could mean changing things in your nutrition or training or supplement plan, or it could be learning to think and live with positive intent.
  • Release past fears and beliefs that have held you back

Gorgeous Happy Free Coaching is for you if you –

  • Know that you ‘know what you should be doing’ but yet it just isn’t quite working
  • Feel bound by food and unable to stay disciplined or on track
  • Are worried that you’ll never be able to breakthrough and achieve your goals
  • Are scared that you don’t have what it takes to truly feel gorgeous happy and free, and that even if you could get there you wouldn’t be able to maintain it
  • Are sick of being told how to get results without having the reality of mindset, stress and emotions and how that impacts your choices addressed
  • Understand the benefits of receiving tailored support, motivation and accountability

My coaching is not for you if you have a habit of bitching, moaning or complaining about how nothing works for you, if you truly are ‘sure’ that you can’t change, or if you’re not willing to do inner work on your mindset and beliefs!

5 weeks ago I honestly didn’t believe in myself let alone believe I was capable of making changes and finding a small amount of happiness each day. I now believe I am capable of making changes and I am capable of finding some happiness each day.

I am capable of changing my mindset but I know I have to work on it to make it a continual journey. After our session this morning I came to work feeling positive.

Judy Keleher

Coaching with Kat gave me so much more confidence. I was able to remove myself from a toxic situation and since loosening up how ‘strict’ I thought I had to be based on your advice I have lost more weight than when I was insanely strict.


The Gorgeous Happy Free Coaching Package!

What you get –

  • A 7-day video kickstart program + questionnaire designed to get you clear on your goals and have you taking action each day on nutrition + mindset. To do before our private coaching session so that you are already getting results and get more out of it. Normally $49.
  • Your one hour private coaching session with me. Normally $375.00
  • 30 minute follow up session to ensure you are staying on track and know what the next step is. This is normally $190.
  • Email accountability, motivation, and reminders throughout your coaching with me. Priceless!

Your investment for Gorgeous Happy Free Coaching is just $475.00. How good is that?! Especially if you were already thinking of doing some coaching with me even without all the extras! And yes, if you’re an existing client you are also welcome to purchase this package.

For two payments of $275 use the below button

And there’s a bonus! 2 actually, if you get in quick. Bonus audio podcast on the science of food addiction, which foods to eat to help stop emotional eating and binge eating as well as which nutrients have shown to be lacking in emotional eaters and how to create hormonal and emotional balance with the right supplements and food choices. Normally $49.

Earlybird only bonus

Register for Gorgeous Happy Free Coaching by Monday October 15 and you will receive entry to a private and once-only masterclass with me in which I will reveal ALL the juicy, telling, and sometimes embarrassing details of my own body journey. Including:

  • Exactly how I eat and train
  • Which mindset and personal development techniques I use daily to keep me on track
  • How I deal with slip ups or self-sabotaging behaviour (including the actual truth about my slip-ups and sabotages)
  • My body fat and weight now and over the past 2 years
  • My food and training history over the past 2 years showing how it impacted my body fat and weight, where I went off track or what worked really well and what it actually took
  • My ‘non-negotiable’ rules for myself for staying sane, fit, healthy and LEAN.

This masterclass is a free bonus ONLY available when you register for Gorgeous Happy Free coaching before Monday October 15. If you have been thinking about coaching with me … If you simply know that you’re stuck and can’t break through … If you are bound by addictive or self-sabotaging behaviour Or if you simply want the support, motivation and butt-kicking accountability to get you gorgeous happy and free, then I will see you on the other side! And can I just say I can’t WAIT to work with you, even if I am quietly freaking out about sharing all my personal details on the masterclass!

For two payments of $275 use the below button
And Remember –
Life is Now. Press Play.

Enter your name and email below for instant access!

3 people have commented
  1. Lisa says:

    Hi Kat

    Just on the Masterclass – is it over the internet? thanks Lisa

Your comment…