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The Ultimate Way To Free Your Busy Mind!

May 11th, 2011

You’ve heard of the power of less right?

These days everybody who is anybody in productivity will tell you that reaching your goals and becoming amazing is all about doing LESS rather than more.

are you kidding me?

To a wannabe uber-achiever like myself this was initially a new and seemingly dangerous concept, but you know what? After trying it, I couldn’t agree more.

Here’s the thing. You will never complete your to-do list. Never ever ever. You are going to DIE and you will still have stuff on that damn list. I don’t remember where I first heard this revolutionary concept, but when I did I felt like a curtain had dropped.

am I just trying too hard?

Why on EARTH do I spend my precious time- and often time away from my family, my friends and myself – to run around like a headless chicken trying to do more more more?

Why do I have 30+ items on remember the milk (fabulous app for list lovers btw, and yes, I do realise the irony of that statement) on a GOOD day and run myself ragged trying to check items off? Why do I ignore the calls of friends or colleagues or family or even my own tired brain to truly relax and, oh I don’t know, engage in life?

but I love my technology…

Recently a colleague observed me tapping away at my iPad, while simultaneously answering a text on my iPhone and downloading some stuff on my MacAir. (Yes. It’s true. I love Apple*)

What did you use to do before technology?

it’s really as simple as 1, 2, 3!

Well I’m no expert but I’d like to think I’m getting better at doing less.

Here’s what the Power of Less is about.

Knowing your values and your big goals

You have to have limits on most things in your life – especially the stuff that consumes time without really adding satisfaction. Emails and admin are prime examples, but you can apply limits to just about everything. Start by considering the things that typically demand daily time from you – especially those tasks you tend to just keep chipping away at because they’re never really complete.

It’s futile to try and work on more than a small handful of big goals at a time. You’ll just bounce around with no clear direction and find it difficult to complete anything. Choose just 3 big goals for the next 12 months.

Ticking off 1 big goal does not allow you to add on another – you have to finish all 3 and then set 3 more. This stops you constantly pushing something back.

Each day you should spend time working on at least one of your big goals. Alternatively you can simply look at your to-do list and kill anything that doesn’t tie in to one of your big goals (and set limits for the fiddly ‘must-do’ tasks).

A great way to keep yourself on track daily is to set 3 Most Important Tasks for that day. These are the 3 things that – if you get nothing else done – will make that day a success and have you going to bed satisfied. I’ve been doing this for a week and it’s given me an incredible sense of freedom and achievement.

Tell me this. What do you need to do less of in order to achieve more?

Remember –

Life is Now. Press Play.

*Steve Jobs if you’re reading this I am most certainly open to sponsorship :)


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One person has commented
  1. […] than to get caught up in boring clutter and the (non?)-essentials of a busy life. In the book the Power of Less (my favourite productivity tome), author Leo Baubauta suggests clearing away the non-essentials of […]

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