Ten Things Super Fit Healthy Peeps Do Daily!
Your goal may not be to lose weight or be in a certain shape, but here’s the reality:
When you are healthy and vibrant and feel GOOD about yourself from the inside out, it has a direct impact on your ability to take action on everything in your life, not to mention a powerful psychological impact on your confidence and self-belief. Which, as you know, are directly linked to whether or not you follow your dreams!
When you look after your body, you will:
- Feel lighter and clearer
- Have greater mental focus
- Wake up naturally earlier, and with energy
- Sleep more deeply
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Improve your digestion
- Clear mental fog
- More readily deal with stress and overwhelm
- Love what you see in the mirror – not because you are a certain size but because you feel PROUD of yourself
- Find that that sense of pride and self-belief carries over into other areas of your life
- Work faster, and with greater energy and focus
- Harness an unstoppable sense of personal power!
And you thought eating well and working out was just about losing weight ?
In today’s post I want to share with you the top daily habits and actions that will allow you to ‘get the most bang for your buck’, meaning that you see and feel rapid results in all the above areas without feeling you’ve turned your world upside down!
Top Ten Habits of People Who Have a Great Body, Inside and Out
1. They know their body ‘why’.
For example, my reason for looking after my body, apart from the fact that I know doing so makes me feel and look good, is pride. I want to feel proud of my relationship with food and my body, because I’ve learned that when I do it allows me to create greater success in other areas that are important to you.
Have a think about what your body ‘why’ is – the real reason you could be ‘bothered’ to create a fabulous body inside and out.
2. They eat a LOT of fresh food, with a big focus on green vegetables.
Fresh greens (and other vegies as well as some fruits) are one of the most powerful ‘secret’ shape up tools, and also fantastic for boosting your energy and reducing digestive dyfunction. I say ‘secret’ becasue whilst we all know that eating our veg is important, most people rarely manage more than a lame salad with dinner!
Try including greens with your meals or snacks at least 3x each day and notice the difference!
3. They move their body every single day.
You don’t have to become a gym queen to use exercise to shape up but you ARE supposed to move every day. Yes, daily! The ‘3 times a week thing’ is BS in my opinion. You were designed to move – sitting at a computer or on a couch (or wherever else you sit) all day everyday and then lying down all night is NOT going to make you feel good and it’s simply not what your body wants and needs.
Stop thinking about making time or finding motivation to create a regular gym habit until you first have a daily move habit. This could include walking, stretching, bodyweight exercises in your lounge or yard, or yes of course attending a gym or some kind of workout class. Something important to note here is that even 10 minutes counts – you don’t have to do an hour of exercise for it to make a difference, but I do believe you should work up to an average of at least 30 minutes a day. Think of it as your ‘clear your mind’ time as well, and notice how much more freely your ideas and energy flow after your movement time each day.
4. They don’t buy in to the ‘all or nothing’ lie, and they don’t guilt themselves about indulging in their favourite treats from time to time.
When you associate certain foods or treats with guilt, you set yourself up for a deprivation and potential binge or at least emotional eating cycle which is not only incredibly soul-destroying but also a great way to NOT manage your weight.
Try this: aim for a loose ‘80%’ of eating clean and healthy foods, with the other 20% being more relaxed. If you want to enjoy a treat, have a small amount anytime – don’t tell yourself you can’t or you are certain to start obsessing about it and eventually crack. Even if you don’t crack – being healthy is supposed to be enjoyable!
5. They are prepared! It’s hard to eat well or make time for exercise without a little foreward planning.
Each night, think about what you are going to eat the next day. Prepare some food where possible. Lay out your workout gear, and plan mentally for where you will fit your movement in the next day.
6. They eat protein at least 3 times each day.
Protein – such as eggs, fish, poultry, red meat, organic protein powder, and some plant-based forms of protein – is crucial if you want to sculpt a lean and sexy body but also one that is healthy! Did you know that you can’t produce hormones without adequate protein? Hormone imbalance can literally make you crazy, not to mention overweight, stressed out, pasty and just blah!
Include quality sources of protein with at least 3 meals or snacks each day. Aim to eat the protein component of your meal first, as it will kill cravings and reveal your true appetite.
7. They eat breakfast within 30-60 minutes of waking. I know you are busy in the morning!
I know that you don’t always feel like eating. But like it or not, being in great shape inside out depends on fuelling your metabolism soon after waking! Failing to do so can not only cause your body to hold onto weight, but it can also set you up for overeating – particularly of carbs and sugars – later in the day.
Eat breakfast within 30-60 minutes of waking! Prepare it the night before if needed. The best breakfast is protein and (good) fat based, such as eggs, salmon, a protein shake and nut butter or even some leftover meat. Greek yoghurt and avocado (not together!) are also great at breakfast, as are nuts and seeds and berries.
8. They are not scared of fats!
It’s been well dis-proven that fats are bad for us, or that they make us fats. I’m talking of course about good fats, not processed fats. Eating fat helps you to feel full, kills cravings, reduces your needs for eating sugars and carbs, helps with hormonal balance, improves your skin, and even helps you to lose weight and think more clearly!
Include 1-2 tsp of good fats with each main meal. This might be haloumi, organic butter, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds or nut butters, good quality yoghurt or cheese, or avocado.
9. They watch their sugar intake.
Sugar is not ‘the devil’, but too much of it will make you overweight, and miserable as well to be honest. It may seem like an energy quick-fix but really what it does is drag DOWN your energy and your mood. A diet dependant on sugar will lead to you feeling like rubbish and having jack-all motivation, unless you give in to the sugar cycle once again!
Follow the other tips in this list and your desire and ‘need’ for sugar and heavily processed carbohydrates will decrease of it’s own accord. How cool is that!
10. They believe they have a right to look and feel amazing!
The truth is that your body wants to feel and look its best; all you need to do is help it out a bit. Part of that is believing in your right to look and feel your best.
Make up your mind that you are going to honour body from the inside out, that it is your right to look and feel amazing, and watch how that mental choice directly impacts on the daily actions you take to nourish your body!
Hey gorgeous! Want to know how you can create your best bod ever this year, from the inside out? New FREE Training!
I’m starting a brand new monthly free coaching call for Woman Incredible readers ONLY, called The Body Conversation. The first call is happening April 22 at 8pm AEST/10am GMT.
Each call will focus on a particular topic, with loads of time for you to ask me all your nutrition, training, motivation and results questions. The Body Conversation is designed to be a regular source of support, inspiration and motivation for you to help you reach your body goals and feel awesome about yourself from the inside out!
Click here to register for the first call, “FFS Why Can’t I Lose Weight?!”. On this call I’ll be discussing the reasons your results might have plateaued – or just refuse to come at all – despite your best efforts and I’ll be including a ton of NEW content that I’ve not before spoken about! Don’t miss out – grab your place over here.
Remember –
Life is Now. Press. Play.