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The Secret To Transforming Your Body – Not What You Think

September 4th, 2012

My client Kelly has lost well over 20kg since working with me over the past year. If you saw her pics yesterday you’ll agree that she has truly transformed her body and you can see that change just shining out of her. Not just the physical change but just – I don’t know – this incredible inner light. Like a weight lifted, metaphorically as well as physically.

No, that’s not Kelly in the pic ? I just loved the image and thought it represented freedom, lightness both inside and out.

Here’s the thing about Kelly, and it’s something I’ve seen so many times with clients who breakthrough and DO create that body they want.

For the first 6 months I worked with her, she was determined and really wanted it, and yet nothing (much) changed. If you work in a corporate job you know how tough it can be to escape the cycles of lunching and snacking and inactivity.

But it’s not just about willpower, is it?

It’s about getting to that inner point when the desire to change and the belief that you can and will outweighs the excuses that have so far held you back.

For Kelly, this happened roughly over the Christmas break last year. I saw her before Christmas and then again after, and nearly fell off my seat when she walked into the room. She’d lost over 10kg and was brimming with energy and incredible – deservedly – happy with herself.

“What changed?”, I asked.

Her answer?

“I just started doing what you told me to do. I just decided enough was enough”.

the secret to transforming your body – not what you think

You want a body like the one in this picture? Or your own version of whatever the dream body would be?

You have to be ready to create the body you want. And this is true of anything you wish to create; the business of your dreams, the amazing enthralling ‘too good to be true’ life of your fantasies.

Being ready for change, let’s say for changing your body, is not about packing your gym bag the night before. It’s not about preparing healthy food, getting a trainer or a Biosignature coach, reading the right article, arming yourself with the knowledge.

That stuff, that’s the B stuff. Meaning, it’s important but not essential to success.

The A stuff, the stuff that is a MUST if you want to change your body, is the stuff that’s harder to pin down. It’s more vague. It’s even a little bit hokey and maybe you don’t believe in it.

has what you’re been doing worked for you so far?

 When I consult with a client for Biosignature, people sometimes expect to walk out armed with a full A-Z of everything they can and can’t eat, everything they can and can’t do.

They want a Diet Plan. A rulebook. A strategy.

They want the magic solution, the thing that they think must be the ‘key’ but yet which they have somehow not been able to find so far; despite the plethora of great advice on clean eating out there.

So when I start worming my way into their heads, their belief systems, the truths about how they view their body and their ability to change, there is always an element of surprise. Often positivity, sometimes a little defensiveness.

Mostly, the type of women I work with love getting the mindset side of things involved, love that I include tailored journalling work along with (yes) what to eat, which supplements to take, what else to do.

Love that I can help them figure themselves out, that I give them mantras to use.

But –

This is what I notice. Not all of the time, but often.

People still assume that all that stuff comes second to just finding the perfect eating plan. Sometimes they say –

“But can’t you just give me a diet? Can’t you just tell me exactly what to eat? How many calories or at least how much food?”

(That s&*t just don’t work!)

And I say –

“Haven’t you had that before? Isn’t that what you’ve been trying to do the past however many years? And how has that worked for you so far? If you just want to know what to eat, you don’t have to come see me; you can grab my Eating Plan

But maybe just knowing what to eat is not enough.

The people who transform their bodies, who truly create their dreams, are not the ones armed with the most knowledge.

They don’t have the worlds best trainer or coach, they’re not reading some secret part of my blog that you don’t know about.

They have much the same information as you. And even with the tailored advice they receive from working with me or another coach, there is still something that separates them from the other people who also receive tailored advice and yet still don’t change.

The ‘thing’, the missing link, the key if you like is this –

You have to be ready to change.

Ready, as we’ve said, is not about physical preparation.

Ready is determined. Committed. Ready is saying ‘enough is enough’. And most of all, ready is recognising not just the positive outcomes of reaching your goal but recognising also the negative outcomes of reaching your goal.

The fear that it will change how people see you. How you see yourself.

The worry that you won’t be able to maintain it.

That it will be too hard.

That maybe you don’t have what it takes anyway, that maybe you don’t want to have what it takes.

That you’d have to give up so much.

That it really won’t improve your life anyway.

Any of these fears and beliefs alone, let alone a whole bunch of them (which is normal by the way!), is enough to stop you in your path. To set you up for self-sabotage. To ensure you don’t get results, not really, purely because if you did you would have to face all that stuff.

so what to do?

Face your fears.

Pull out your journal now, and start to worm your way into that crazy-gorgeous head of yours.

Ask yourself why you really want it, define exactly what ‘it’ is, but stop also and ask yourself what you’re scared of. How it might change your life. How it might change you.

And then just acknowledge those fears and doubts.

Acknowledge that if you emotionally eat or binge eat, or get stressed out and go off track or just can’t seem to follow through then it is not solely (and maybe not at all) about discipline.

That there are reasons, underlying beliefs you hold about yourself and your ability to change, and that these reasons are powerful enough to hold you back no matter how diligently you plan your training and your meals.

Acknowledging just means recognise that those thoughts are there, and then make a decision that they’re not enough of a reason to hold you back anymore.

Writing or saying or shouting aloud –

I don’t care. I want it anyway. It will be worth it anyway. And I am ready for this change. I’m ready to create my best ever body. I’m ready to do it in a way that feels natural, effortless to a degree, even enjoyable.

I’m ready to let go of all the STUFF and to truly believe in myself.

I’m ready to change.

And I believe that I can. And it is so totally worth it. As Kelly said to me –

“It makes me feel so both inside and outside. Started wearing short dress, singlets to the gym – such a big deal for me lol. I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am without you and all your support. I can’t thank you enough.”

the fat loss solution – change your beliefs, change your body


The Fat Loss Solution is a one-of-its-kind workshop that I’m running in Melbourne this September 30.

It’s about finally letting go of that inner fat girl, that ‘I’m not good enough’ girl. You will learn how to overcome emotional and binge eating once and for all. How to release deepset beliefs and memories. How to imprint new success-memories. How to understand yourself and how to find your why. Nutrition and supplements to deal with the physical side of emotional eating. How to overcome fears and how to successfully visualise and create your future.

Ultimately, how to let go of the beliefs and sabotages that have held you back and how to finally create the body of your dreams.

You can view the full details and register here.

It’s a 20-spot only workshop. I may not run it again. The early-bird rate lasts for just 3 more days!

I’d love to see you there. Love to help you, share with you, support you.

It’s going to be transformational.

Life is Now. Press Play.

"kat loterzo"

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