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Binge Or Emotional Eating? My Story Can Help. Get the Book For 99c, 24 Hours Only

October 16th, 2013

I spent over 10 years battling binge eating and bulimia.

The whole while, I presented a facade as a successful, vibrant and ‘put together’ personal trainer; a woman who was a leader and someone to aspire to be like. And in many ways that was true. But at the same time I was completely lost. Alone. And I felt hopeless, as though I could never share my awful secret with anybody and as though I could DEFINITELY never escape.

I understand what it’s like to feel complete despair about who you really are, and to wonder constantly what’s wrong with you. I fought the battle. It was NOT easy. I failed many times. But eventually – I got there.

My book The Secret Life of a Binge Eater – How to Beat Binge and Emotional Eating for Life was written for women who wanted to beat their food and body demons once and for all. Tears were a big part of its writing and they will be for you as well, as you read.

Which is probably exactly what you need. I’ll show you what your food stuff is really about. How to uncover your deepest-held beliefs about yourself, and find out how to reset those that are doing you more harm than good. I’ll give you the tools you NEED to break free of binge + emotional eating permanently.

And we’ll go into detail to find out exactly where you’re really self-sabotaging – such as not living in alignment, or creating body goals that are too rigorous, based on nothing that actually truly matters to you.

It’s very simple: if you battle with binge or emotional eating, you need this book. Get it now for just 99c

And for the next 24 hours only it’s on sale on Amazon Kindle for just 99c. Click here to go to the book page on Amazon.

Remember you do NOT need a Kindle to read Kindle books. You can download any app for just about any desktop or mobile device here.

If you use Amazon but not the US version you can STILL receive this offer – just go to your Amazon store and type in ‘Kat Loterzo binge’ and you’ll find it.

The truth about your eating –

The thing with your eating, your emotional eating, is that it is serving you in some way. Whether you realise it or not, you are benefiting from it. It’s allowing you to escape, to push down the stress and anxiety about not just your busy day but about how your life is turning out.

And at the same time, it is allowing you to perpetuate beliefs about yourself, beliefs that often go way back.

Most women who struggle with emotional eating and self-sabotage do so not because they are weak-willed or simply stuck in a bad pattern, but because they are lost for true direction and purpose, for life satisfaction really, and because they are bound by a myriad of beliefs and expectations about who they are and who they are allowed to be.

The eating is not about the food, it’s not about the heady rush of sugar or comfort starch, but rather it’s about creating a sense of fullness emotionally. Spiritually even.

Don’t suffer binge or emotional eating in silence or with the idea that you can’t overcome it any longer.

You can be free of binge and emotional eating for life, and you can start now.

This book shares the dirty raw truth about binge eating + the strategies I personally used and developed to beat 10 years of bulimia and bingeing. It will make you cry but also make you so relieved to know that you’re not alone, and that there is an answer.

For the next 24 hours only it’s on sale on Amazon Kindle for just 99c. Click here to go to the book page on Amazon.

Remember you do NOT need a Kindle to read Kindle books. You can download any app for just about any desktop or mobile device here.

If you use Amazon but not the US version you can STILL receive this offer – just go to your Amazon store and type in ‘Kat Loterzo binge’ and you’ll find it.

Life is Now. Press Play.

kat sign off image

PS Do you know of anyone in your circle who needs this book? Often you might NOT know when friends are battling the same issues you are. Which is why I ask that you consider sharing this offer on social media, or bloggers over email and social media. Nobody should have to keep thinking they’re alone in this.

Testimonials about my book

All women should read this

In all my numerous decades I have not met a woman who did not have body and eating issues. Sometimes they were mild, sometimes debilitating, but there is always an uneasy relationship with food for women.

The “I know I shouldn’t eat this . . .” is a dead give away. This is a workbook/personal history/how to book from a woman who writes with the ring of truth. She apparently gives workshops and has a blog devoted to eating disorders -I have not looked at it so I’m not sure of the details. But without jargon or feel good, pump you up without substance language (the sort of thing we get from sweets) she describes her personal journey, insights and small victories that led to bigger ones.

It seems fitting that she is a mentor for women who struggle with food, weight and body image. She has walked the walk and is now able to talk the talk. I believe her and believe this book. Buy it. Now, instead of eating that cooking. It will always be there.

Helen. C. Page

Outstanding & life changing

This book is outstanding & confronting at the same time.

They way Kat has written this book is like she is talking to me & knows my inner secrets. I purchased this book when it was first released and have read & re-read on numerous occasions. It has helped me immensely in making headway into my eating. I may still have to occasional slip up but the change in less than 6 months has been truly amazing. I have learnt to identify triggers and manage these in ways other than stuffing my face. To know that I am not alone in the fight is also very comforting.

But what I’d like to know is how long did the tuna last?? Trust me if you’ve read the book (or read the book) you will understand haha ?

Kat – Thank you for putting yourself out there & sharing your story & your tips & thank you for having such a major impact on my life! I am truly grateful.


This book has changed my life

This was the first book that I purchased of Kat’s and from the first page I just felt like she was talking directly to me! I’ve read other books on binging but never felt so understood!! The thing is, that being understood, that was enough to see that I wasn’t alone in my struggle! Thank you for an amazing book!


A great read for anyone who struggles with weight loss

Being in the health field myself I often struggle with keeping my lifestyle completely clean. When I realize that these binges were just emotions that I was dealing with, the binges because less and less. I find it easier to stick to my eating plan and when I feel myself slip I look over Kat’s book and it helps me stay on track.

Heather Claus

Taking the stigma from eating disorder

Kat’s book has been a really welcome addition to my reading collection, it has really helped to squash all of the preconceptions I had surrounding my own eating disorder.

Deciding to seek help for the first time is incredibly scary, in whatever form it may be, but I’ve found real comfort in Kat’s words and have really identified with her views.

While I understand that there really is no one way or easy fix to overcome an eating disorder, I really believe that for someone taking the first steps in identifying their own concerns that they will find really good support in this book. Kat touches on some of the reasons why we struggle, drawing on her own experiences, and puts a real focus on how important it is to deal with the emotions behind the actions. Like most of her books she urges the reader to really THINK about the how and why of our own actions, to how important it is to be self-reflective so that we can begin to overcome the problems that hold us back, and pave the way for the positive things we desire for ourselves.

This book is also very interactive, giving you tasks to complete and encouraging you to really ‘work out’ the emotional stuff in order to make progress. I have become a fan of frequently jotting out my thoughts, it is very therapeutic and good for recovery.. and often you find you will write out things that you didn’t even think you wanted. Thanks Kat, keep up the good writing.

Kahlia Dawn

Download Your 99c Copy Today

For the next 24 hours only it’s on sale on Amazon Kindle for just 99c. Click here to go to the book page on Amazon.

Remember you do NOT need a Kindle to read Kindle books. You can download any app for just about any desktop or mobile device here.

If you use Amazon but not the US version you can STILL receive this offer – just go to your Amazon store and type in ‘Kat Loterzo binge’ and you’ll find it.

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