My Radio Interview: The Truth About Fat Loss In The Modern World
There is a reason why it’s so much more difficult for you to lose fat than what it would have been for your grandparents and even your parents. The truth is that staying in great shape – or even getting there – can be a constant uphill slug if you don’t know how to combat the effects of modern day living.
Fortunately for you (she says cheekily) I was interviewed on just this topic on “The Cleansing Queen” Mary Bacon‘s radio show. Mary’s show is on Sydney’s Lifestyle Today and I was honoured to be invited to join her and discuss my thoughts on fat loss, health, and some of the important points covered in my book.
The link to the audio is just below. Do take the time to listen or download it to your iPod for later. Here is just a taste of what I cover on this info-packed interview:
- How for the first 5 years of my health career I only knew the tip of the ice-berg about getting great results – and what I’ve learned since
- The lowdown on my book and how detailed it is: I had to go back through every little gem I’d ever heard over the years to put it all together; which is why it took 26 months!
- Healthy foods that make you fat
- The carbohydrate thing – whether there really are rules, and if so then what those rules consist of
- How you create new fat cells – and how to stop that process!
- A common way people like you are malnourished
- Pg 68: Taking the grain test
- Do you really need to go gluten free?
- Are you unknowingly sabataging your fat loss efforts
- How to look good naked
- What you can do to protect yourself and your family against modern living
- How to slow the aging process!
- The ultimate price that you DON’T want to pay.
Here is the audio:
[audio:]I hope you like it!
And remember –
Life is Now. Press Play.
PS: I hope you enjoyed the interview! If you’d like to know more then please check out my book Secrets of Lasting Weight Loss Revealed. It’s like having me by your side for every aspect of your health and fat loss journey – from the nuts and bolts right through to the motivation and mindset side of things!

[…] My Radio Interview: The Truth About Fat Loss In The Modern World […]
You have put a lot of time in sharing what you know with us via your blog. I hope this interview opens many doors for you.
Thanks Karolina ?