Most Popular Woman Incredible Blog Posts Of 2011
What a huge year 2011 was! With the launch of Woman Incredible in March and then the launch of my online VIP mentoring program in October. Here are the top 10 posts from 2011.
1. full disclosure: my body after 2 weeks holiday (eeek!)
I don’t know about you, but I’m sometimes amazed at how easy it can be to undo months of hard work and effort. 3 weeks ago I measured in happily at 13.6%. Not quite as lean as my December 10.9%, but not bad considering my key focus right now is gaining muscle rather than getting leaner. Read More
2. a high-rise booty, a balanced mind, an easy win for you, and a smack-down on your cravings – woman incredible is here!
This is it ladies, I am simply thrilled to announce that the wait is over, the free stuff is here for the picking, and the fun is just about to begin – it’s the birth of Woman Incredible! And can I just say – you have NO idea how much cool stuff is ahead for you as a reader of this blog. I am just about brimming over with all the ideas and goodies I have in store for you, and I am absolutely rapt to have you as part of this new community for driven women who simply demand more! Read More
3. incredible woman rachel guy on the mindset of fat loss and living the dream
Today I have the absolute pleasure of introducing my Poliquin colleague Rachel Guy. We first met at a Poliquin PICP course last November, but I’d already heard of Rach through mutual friends on Facebook. Truth be told I was kinda intimidated about meeting her (just look at the girl!) I’m used to being one of the strongest girls I know, so the fact that I was clearly going to be up for a challenge when training together in our course was a bit of a concern challenge.* Read More
4. fat burning special: 10 ways to workout for rapid results!
My fave body fat burning workout style!
A high-volume fat burning workout such as Charles Poliquin’s German Body Comp (GBC). If your goal is truly to build lean muscle and boost fat burning then this is a unique weight training system designed to manipulate your hormones and your metabolism by alternating a lower body exercise with an upper body exercise, and using short rest times. Read More
5. this is why women can’t lose weight! the 7 myths of female fat loss
Warning: This post is probably going to be completely different to what you expect. This is not about ‘eat this; don’t eat that’ or ‘do this; don’t do that’. This is about the deeper underlying reasons why women often don’t lose weight despite doing everything right. And it’s very very real. Read More
6. 7-day cleanse
7 days is a helluva long time to eat no real solid foods, and it might even seem like too long. How can that be healthy, you might think? Wouldn’t my body be going into starvation mode and storing more fat? Isn’t it just setting me up for binge-eating disaster or yo-yo dieting afterwards? And – most importantly – how in God’s good name am I supposed to survive a week without even a hint of nut butter, avocado, dark chocolate or red wine?! (And why would I want to?) Read More
7. the best way for women to get lean
As you may know from keeping up to date with the Woman Incredible Facebook page, I am attending my 5th Biosignature course at the moment, in beautifully sunny Perth. Well, mainly beautiful. I think God accidentally switched Melbourne and Perth weather yesterday ? Read More
8. 5 diet facts most people get wrong
diet facts diet myths revealed
You may have seen the recent replacement for the food pyramid. It’s called the ‘food plate’, and supposedly makes it simple for you to understand the ideal breakdown of foods for your health and for weight loss or ideal body fat. My opinion on the plate? It’s rubbish. (Hey, I don’t beat around the bush). Read More
9. my story: i used to binge eat
When I was 17, I joined the gym for the first time in my life. To be honest, the main reason I did join up was that my mother was a member. I felt like it was just ridiculous for my Mum to be going to the gym and not me! So I decided to join up as well. Back then, gyms hadn’t figured out about locking you into a 12-month contract and I was able to just ‘trial’ 3 months. Read More
10. finding your (weight loss) sweet spot
I have a confession to make.
For much of this year, and up until the past few months, I’ve felt like I’m battling my body nearly every day. Workouts have been slow to start, food choices have often been riddled with guilt or second-guessing, I’ve found myself feeling tired a lot of the time even though I’ve been having more sleep this year than what I’ve enjoyed since student days. Read More
And remember –
Life is Now. Press Play.