How To Be Photo-shoot Ready In 6 Days
I am a super-lucky girl. Thanks to my affiliation with the fabulous new R.B.T gym in South Melbourne* I have been asked to be the female PT used to film all the exercises for a VERY major up-and-coming site in the Aussie fitness and fat loss arena. I was pretty happy to be asked, firstly for obvious reasons like potential marketing but also because I knew the 3-weeks notice was a perfect time-frame to force me to take major action and drop the sneaky couple of percent that’s crept up on me since Christmas.
Except …
I am now a super-lucky and also super-freaking-out girl after walking into R.B.T yesterday (Tuesday) and being asked if I was free on Thursday (THIS Thursday!) to do the filming! After a brief internal panic and a hasty plea, I managed to convince them to hold off till next Tuesday.
Which leaves me with precisely 6 days to get my photo-ready. Whilst it was nice of the guy building this site to tell me I look fine, as I retorted back to him photos are there forever once they are online. So there will be no messing around.
how to get exceptional results real fast
I thought I’d share with you what I’ll be doing to pull out all the stops. There is a lot of stuff on the internet about getting ready for a show or competition in under a week (the assumption being, of course, that you are already well on track), but I’m not really going to write about stuff like water and sodium loading … I’m talking more about cleaning up any sneaky habits super-fast, and maximising your nutrition and training. Everyday stuff that we can all do to feel and look our best, and yet so often don’t.
- Double-day training most days. You can follow the Facebook page to see exactly what I’m doing, but rest assured that I’m not talking about hours in the gym. I’m talking 3-4 full length strength/circuit sessions each week, plus daily 15-20 minute blasts such as my beloved kettlebell swings. There’ll be a little bit of sprint work and some yoga in there as well.
- Stop having little bits of dark chocolate with my mid-morning coffee. As you may have seen on my ‘this is how i eat’ photo album on FB, I tend to eat protein and veg 4-6 times a day … but that doesn’t mean I don’t snack. I do! I’m going to post more of those pics soon. It’s not something I do daily, but I will often have a little dark chocolate, or some berries with cream and nut butter after dinner. Not this week though!
- Speaking of which, ZERO snacking after dinner. Even if I eat at 6pm! Which is rare, but still. I’m going to make sure I go to bed with at least a 2 hour gap after eating.
- Aaaaannnnnddd … there will be no red wine (or any alcohol) during this time. Red wine is generally fine when looking to get leaner; the issue is having it close to bed. Your body still has to digest it, and this can reduce growth hormone production. Which directly impacts your metabolism. Seeing as how there will be no daytime drinking for me, this means no alcohol.
- Be super super organised. I am going to be in a (catered, which to me means BYO) 3-day conference this weekend, and forced to sit on my butt for 12 hours a day. Sigh. Good event though. But I’ll be leaving nothing to chance. Super-large Pyrex container here I come!
- (PS: In case you’re wondering, yes there will definitely still be training on these days. Normally I might have a break when doing such an event, but not this weekend. Besides which, training is a nice way to energise the mind for learning).
- I’m going to super-load the vegetables. I’m going to follow the recommendations of Dr. Jonny Bowden and have at least 9 serves per day. I dropped into my local organic store this morning on the way to the city and loaded up on cucumbers and capsicums for today. (Which somehow came to $14.45 for 3 of each I now realise …. WTF?!)
- I WILL go salt-free (even healthy salt) for 2 days prior.
- I will try to get as much sleep as I can … which is gonna be tough given the conference, but I’ll skip my usual Monday and Tuesday super-early-morning-start and sleep until a semi-human hour. Sleep maximises growth hormone and fat loss.
- I will smile and be grateful for this opportunity and trust that the photos will come out well even if I’m NOT perfect. Nothing like getting yourself into a panic or stress-mode to halt fat loss!
That’s all off the top of my head … I’ll keep you posted though.
Do you have any tips on super-fast fat loss? What has/hasn’t worked for you? Please comment!
And remember –
Life is Now. Press Play.
*If you missed the amazing founder member deal, head to this link and see if there’s still a few left. Gym membership, PT, and loads more for just $1 for only the first 200 founding members!

Wow Kat, thats amazing!! Congrats on the fantastic opportunity! Couldn’t think of anyone better for the shoot!! I know we play mind games with ourselves but you will look fabulous!! AND you will look even more fabulous if you go in there rockin your confidence!! (and if you want to hear what i did pre show to compare with a few others, let me know. I’ll pm you ?
Thanks Jess! Yes please definitely PM me!
That’s super! I think you already look amazing but I can relate to that eagerness of having the feeling that you’ve done the last bit right before the shoot! I think it’s sort of more about the mental preparation than actual bodily even tho majority of the things to do are to do with body.
Good tips as well. Really realistic and sensible ones that I try to follow (most of them) all the time. It’s just this bloody thyroid thing that made me gain but I hope thy thyroxin will kick in soon and I’ll start to lose to get back to my normal self! Summer’s coming and all.
Wish you all the best,
greeting from sunny and hot England!
Thanks Meri I appreciate the support! Good luck with your own health goals!
Great post! I am a couple of days late in reading it but I am definitely going to follow it with you (except maybe the kettle bell swings – what can i use if i don’t own a kettle bell?)…chocolate, wine, salt, sleep, no snacking after dinner, more vegies…simple stuff! I can do that all! ” )
You can use a dumbell instead!
[…] my back and hips, but I do have to say that despite all the heavy duty training getting ready for my photo shoot last Tuesday I really think my legs are less fatigued than normal. This is especially note-worthy […]
[…] my back and hips, but I do have to say that despite all the heavy duty training getting ready for my photo shoot last Tuesday I really think my legs are less fatigued than normal. This is especially note-worthy […]