Link Love: Great No-Carb Pasta And Staying Trim In Winter
The battle to keep control of your health through the cold winter months tends to be a little tougher than usual, doesn’t it? As soon as the cold hits (and oh how it’s hit this past week in Melbourne!) I know I start dreaming of porridge … and pancakes … and lumberjack breakfast … and scones with jam and cream. Excuse me for a moment while my mind wanders into a happy carb-filled place.
The scary thing is that it’s all too easy to start justifying. After all, one ‘cheat’ breaky won’t hurt, will it? And those scones aren’t so very big really … plus it’s raw cream … it’s really almost completely healthy! I don’t know about you but I’m an all or nothing sort of girl. I have to face facts – I’m just not very good at stopping at one. One piece of chocolate, one teen-tiny cupcake with butter icing (OMG by the way on that), one plate of pasta, or – most worryingly – one meal or day of debauchery. Once the carb-loading begins it just keeps going, and sometimes it takes me a good week or so to reign myself back into good habits. I know I’m not alone here, which is why I thought I’d share two great links with you. The first is an awesome recipe for no-carb pasta (I’d add some quick-fried backstrap lamb or chicken to this recipe), and the second is a really brilliant article about staying in shape over winter. It’s a very good read, mainly because it’s straight from the heart and easy to relate to when it comes to sneaking in those extra ‘comfort’ cals.
link love
Yummy No-Carb Pasta Recipe (from my friends over at Miss Organic … okay, there’s a little carb but no STARCH which is what actually matters!)
Do You Know How Much You Are Eating (Really)? (from Schkinny Maninny)
your turn
Do you have any tricks or tips you could share on staying in shape when cold weather melts away your summer resolve? Oh – and if you’re reading from outside Aus, then consider this your preparation for your winter, or simply extra motivation for keeping that bikini bod ready to go all year round!

Have you tried using spaghetti squash – that’s meant to be lowish in carb. I can’t find any. The zucchini is a good idea just got to get a good implement to do the thin strips. The vegie peeler tends to make the strips thicker.
In the USA we had spagetti squash as a pasta substitute. I baked it upside down on a cookie sheet at 375 degrees for and hour or until it dimples when pushed on or starts to get a few brown spots on the skin. (Some people put water in the pan but we found it unnecessary and liked it better without.) After it is baked you scoop out the seeds and rake the inside of the squash with a fork. Shreds of squash come out just like the size of spagetti. My older kids and I liked it better than the real pasta and tastes great with spagetti and meatball sauce on it. I was starting to experiment with other ways of eating it when we moved but didn’t get very far. I had not found it in Australia after moving there………and we were really missing it. Now that we are in New Zealand I have not found it here either. We plan to grow our own as soon as we can………I hope they have the seeds for it here.
That sounds great ? I haven’t heard of it!
I bought my “spiraliser” on the net and it is fabulous – zucchini noodles rock! A sauce recipe I was given is to soak 1 cup cashews for a few hours, then throw them in the food processor with a yellow capsicum and some olive oil, then maybe some garlic, sea salt and lemon juice to taste.
Love that sauce idea!
I remember you previously though about taking time off the blog if not enough people were reading. No way! This site is fantastic! I plan to use it the next time I’m I’m in the kitchen. You have lots of great ideas on here.