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Kat’s Top 10 Tips To Lose Fat. And A 2-Day Sale.

August 1st, 2012

So you wanna get a bit leaner, hmmmmmm?

Me too, to be honest, even though I’m pretty happy with where I’m at. But there’s always room to sculpt a little bit more, isn’t there? I think that people who say they don’t care about there body and the way it looks are lying, and even if they’re not; they’re definitely not here reading this!

Caring about how you look doesn’t make you a bad person you know :)

Over the years I’ve been up down and all over the place with my weight, and I guess I can say that even though I don’t know it all I sure as heck have just about tried it all in previous quests to get rid of that pesky last 5, or 10, or post-baby weight or post-weekend-out weight.

I’ve dieted, I’ve sacrificed, I’ve detoxed, and I’ve had my fair share of rebound binge or emotional eating.

Perhaps you can relate?

Over the years, I’ve figured out that you don’t need to know every so-called trick in the book when you get the basics right. The basics are about a lot more than just what to eat and how to exercise, as you’ll see below.

my top 10 tips to lose fat, for life

Last night I was a guest speaker at an event run by a personal trainer friend of mine. The theme of the night was The Fat Loss Cure, so I spoke about my top 10 tips for fat loss. These work for anyone, but are especially true for women wanting to release extra body fat and create their dream body.

Maybe that’s you?

If so – enjoy. Pay particular attention to points #1, #2, #9, #10 – they are the make or break ones!

 1. Set your goal. Be specific about it. Don’t do the wishy-washy thing because deep down you’re worried you won’t achieve your target. Be exact about what you want to achieve, and by when. Decide how you will measure your progress, and how you will reward yourself with stepping-stone markers along the way.

2. Know your why. This is huge. You will never achieve any goal in life if you don’t know why you want it. Wanting to look hot, impress other people, or simply convince yourself you’ve made it are not reasons for creating change. It’s about why it’s truly important to you. I recommend doing some writing on this, interview style. Ask yourself why it’s important; why it’s really really important. Be real with yourself. Get to the core. If there is no core, maybe it actually doesn’t matter and you just thought it did. That’s okay. Better to stop fighting for something you don’t really care about deep down and will therefore never actually get, and instead focus your energies on the stuff you’d truly die to have.

3. Nutritional success. Set yourself up for nutritional success by eating right in the first 2 meals of the day. Choose proteins and good fats for morning and mid morning, with some greens or a little low-sugar fruit like berries. Examples include eggs, salmon, a protein shake, avocado, haloumi, leftover dinner, full-fat yoghurt with coconut and flaxseeds.


Get the body you want with my Look Great Naked Eating Plan. Learn how to eat right, effortlessly with recipes, meal plans, shopping list, tips on practicality, motivation and mindset and a lot more. Includes 8 free bonuses!

My Look Great Naked Eating Plan is on sale NOW, at just $34.70 rather than $57. The sale ends on Friday August 3rd, so check it out now!

4. 50 grams. The number one fat loss tip for women, according to Charles Poliquin, is this – eat 50 grams of protein before lunch. So at least 25 grams for breaky and the same again mid-morning. This will make a tremendous difference to your metabolism and will ensure you don’t struggle with cravings or poor energy later in the day.

5. Move right. Train with weights at least 2 times a week, preferably 4. Avoid endurance cardio and do 1-3 short interval sessions instead. Include some yoga or relaxation exercise once a week, or even a short stretching or meditation session at home.

Here is a 20-minute bodyweight workout you can do anywhere.


For a more structured approach to gym or at-home training, my Look Great Naked Training Plan is currently on sale for just 2 days (until Friday August 3rd) at half price. Check it out over here.

6. Supplements for fat loss. There are a lot of great supplements out there, and a lot of scams. The main thing to know is this – you gotta get the nutrition and training right first! Not to mention mindset. BUT – supplements like omega 3 fatty acids and carnitine are simply brilliant for facilitating fat loss. Together, they are an unstoppable combination.

7. Digestion and detoxification. The #1 supplement for fat loss is actually a very boring one – it’s fiber. Ideally your diet will include plenty of fiber through green vegies, but supplemental fiber is a great idea as well. Why? Your body fat is made up of toxins. To ‘detox’ you need nutrition (food and perhaps a multi) but you also need a lot of fiber to help remove toxins from the body. Taking 25 grams of fiber per day plus assisting your digestion with a probiotic is perhaps one of the most effective ‘secret’ fat loss weapons out there.

8. Rest. You can’t burn the candle at both ends and expect to look (or feel) your best. A lack of sleep and too much stress causes an elevation of the stress hormone cortisol, which causes increased belly fat in particular. Pushing yourself to do more and more and more in your already busy life is a recipe for disaster in more ways than one, and I’m sure it’s not truly how you want to live your life. Give yourself permission to stop and smell the roses, and trust in the process of getting lean rather than acting out of fear.

9. Consistency. The people who achieve lasting transformation are not always those who know or do the most. What these people do have in common, is consistency. I believe consistency is not about discipline but about ‘knowing your why’ and being clear on your goal. When you have these points (#s 1 and 2) in place, you will find yourself automatically and effortlessly consistent.

10. Mindset. The most important tip of all for fat loss – especially for lasting fat loss – is mindset. If you believe you will achieve the results you want, then guess what? You will. Unfortunately, most people who wish to change their bodies never take the time to set a specific goal or figure out their underlying motivation, and as a result they have no true emotional connection to making change a reality.

Couple this with common beliefs such as “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not worthy”, and it’s simply impossible to achieve your goal no matter what rules you follow on nutrition or exercise.

Here’s the thing.

You can be, do or have anything you want in your life. You are good enough. Worthy. You deserve nothing but the best in life simply because you were born to live an incredible life. Not a single one of us was born destined to be unhappy, mediocre, overweight, broke, miserable. We are born to be incredible. To change our lives and the world around us.

YOU are born to be incredible.

Changing your body begins in your mind. It begins with a decision that is definite and committed. But you gotta have belief to keep that train a-rollin’. How to believe? Simply choose. Simply decide right now to start believing you are good enough.

To love yourself.

It is that easy.

Mantras will fasten the belief in your mind, and you don’t have to believe what you’re saying to yourself at first but you do have to start affirming it.

Every day saying things to yourself like “I am good enough”.

“Good things just keep happening to me”

“I am worthy”

“I love myself”

“I choose foods that nourish me and make me stronger, healthier and leaner”

 “I am getting leaner every day”

“I am so lucky”

“I am a success magnet”

 I guarantee you, if you take one thing away from this post, make it this –

Get your head right, and the rest will follow.

And remember –

Life is Now. Press Play.

PS Don’t miss out on the 2-day Look Great Naked sale! Grab your copy of my Look Great Naked Eating Plan by Friday August 3rd and you’ll pay just $34.70 rather than $57. And score a whopping 50% off my Look Great Naked Training Plan, also just until this Friday!

Enter your name and email below for instant access!

4 people have commented
  1. rhiana says:

    I particularly like/ agree with number 2

  2. Angelica says:

    Hi Kat! Just wanted to let you know how much I adore your blog and all your tips, from weight loss to life goals. It’s all fantastic and spot on. Though, I was also wondering if you believe the same foods will work for everyone, no matter what their nationality? Because as you know different people from different cultures have been eating their own unique style of cuisine for centuries without really any issues, will being someone of mixed descent eg. South American/Spanish/English ’cause an alternate reaction to someone of full European descent?
    Angelica :)

    • Kat says:

      Hi Angelica,

      Thank you!

      I believe everyone has their own unique nutrition needs, there is no one perfect diet. The concepts I teach are the ‘base’ stuff, and it’s up to each individual to explore from there. Some people have higher needs for fat and protein, and others for carbs; so it’s definitely all about trial and error!

      Thanks for commenting, and let me know if you have any follow-up questions :)


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