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Kat’s Top 3 Tips To Take Your Resolutions To Reality!

January 16th, 2012

fat loss melbourneLast week I had the pleasure of sharing 45 expert tips on keeping your 2012 new year resolutions, from some of the absolute best names in the business.

I don’t know about you, but I actually read through that post 3 times! Once when the tips came in after I requested them, once on my phone when it was published, and once later on when on my laptop.

From sticking to a new eating or training plan, to sculpting a fab bikini body, to smart tricks for motivation and procrastination, the gang quite literally covered everything you need to know about keeping on track with your resolutions and maybe even with some resolutions or goals you hadn’t thought of!

And you wouldn’t expect anything less from a group of world leaders in strength coaching, nutrition, Biosignature and fitness modeling, would you?!

kat’s top 3 tips for keeping your new year resolutions

Somewhere in the midst of collecting expert tips I forgot to add my own 3 tips to the mix! Here they are:

1. Resolve to live according to your passions rather than your shoulds  

If you’re into goal-setting and list-making you’ll know how easy it is to keep adding another, and another, and another. And another! Am I right? The question is – how closely to these goals and tasks truly relate to the things that you actually care about? Really care about?

By the stuff you care about I mean the stuff that is close to your heart, that matters above all else. Stuff like living in a certain way, being a certain person. For example, if you think you want wealth do you really want security and freedom? And are you secure and free by chaining yourself to your career in order to (supposedly) achieve your goal of wealth? Decide who you want to be in 2012 not what you want to tick off, and then ‘re-resolve’ where necessary.

2. Choose your MIT each day

Your MIT is your Most Important Task for the day. The thing that, even if you get nothing else done, once completed will mean that you are satisfied and happy with the day just finished.

A small tip: your MIT is NEVER getting all your emails done. I know, I know, it feels good to stay on top of things, but answer me this – is getting your emails done every day or week one of the things that reflects who you want to be in 2012? Is ticking off your busywork one of the things you are passionate about? Hmm? HMMM?

Okay then.

3. Don’t be afraid to fail once in a while

The slogans, marketing departments and motivational folk tell you to never, never, never give up. And I agree. IF the something to never give up on is something you are passionate about. I don’t mean used to be passionate about, or think you are passionate about.

I mean if it truly and deeply matters. To you. Now and/or in the future. Which is why my third tip for turning your new year resolutions into reality is to check in with yourself once in a while and make sure they are still what you want in your reality.

don’t miss out on my 45 expert tips from some of my favourite people!

I hope you found (or find!) those tips useful as you go about your quest to actually make 2012 your year. And don’t forget to set your ‘MIT’ for tomorrow!

Hmmm, now that I think about it, it might be time for another quick perusal of last week’s 45 expert tips, don’t you? I know I’ll be bookmarking it for future inspiration!

Life is Now. Press Play.


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2 people have commented
  1. Tiffani says:

    Thank you for your simple tips. We’ve all heard it before, but we could all use a reminder that it’s OK not to always do what “has” to be done, and that you can be passionate or delegate the most important thing. Failure is a scary thing and prevents us from even seeking out our passion, but a little encouragement goes a long way. thanks again.