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How to Dream + Design Your Incredible Life in 2013

January 4th, 2013 | no comments

Do you ever dream? Do you ever sit and just let your thoughts run wild and then focus and then fly as you imagine what your life will be like ‘one day’ when all is right, in alignment, and just as it should be?

I’ve been dreaming a lot lately. Today in particular has been a big dreaming day for me.

But I’m not dreaming of one day. I’m dreaming of a life where dreams come true now.

Where I work as I choose.

Play anytime.

Live in my perfect home. With my perfect office. Doing my perfect job, the job I am born to do and that I love and also love to do.

Can you imagine living that way? Do you realise it can be real?

(Yes. I do mean for you.)

I’m dreaming of letting go of the need to be busy all the time. Frantic. And overworked. Letting go of the idea that to be successful, wealthy, free I need to pay a big price.

I’m dreaming of making twice the money in half the time.

Of creating a business that helps thousands and thousands of women to live their best lives.

I’m dreaming of being a multi-published best-selling author on Amazon.

Of having frequent romantic dates with my husband.

Of having each morning just for me. To read and to journal and to write and to ponder.

Of spending more time outdoors exercising, more time outdoors in general.

What do you dream about?

My dreams are not just dreams, but they are also strategies. Step by step plans that I can and will follow.

I’ve mapped out exactly what 2013 is going to be about. Which gifts I will give myself this year. What I give myself permission to do, or not to.

How I will live.



How I will feel.

Have you mapped out your year yet? Do you dare to dream as big as big can be? To CHOOSE the future you are already creating?

Stay with me for a moment. I’ll share how I’m doing it. It’s too good to miss, too important to pass over, too awesome to ignore.

I’ve planned my goals for my finances, my body, my family and friends, my business, my personal life. And my goals that are so big and scary and yet awesome that I hardly even dare to write them down.

But have, nonetheless.

These goals are becoming real, because I’ve recorded them. Broken them down. Made them actionable.

I’ve surrounded them with affirmations, with mottos, with reminders of why I know I will live an incredible year in 2013. Why I am worthy of this.

And how I will make it happen by pressing play now.

I’m dreaming of a life in which everything is in alignment. In flow. And completely by design.

I’m dreaming, and as I dream and strategise and plan and smile over what I’ve written and the audacity of some of my goals and desires, I’m starting to feel that it’s already becoming real.

I’m noticing the sense of tightness and the cloud of constant ‘have to’ lifting from my shoulders.

I’m seeing myself getting rid of the things that are not my best work or not what I love to do.

I’m less busy already.

But more in tune.

More in love with the life I want to live.

You have the power to live this way.

You are worthy of living your most incredible year ever this year.

And you can choose to make it happen starting now.

Do you feel how real this can be?

how to dream + design your incredible life in 2013

You know me – I’m a dreamer and a planner and a vision-maker by nature. I’m also a learner, and a copycat when need be.

My dreaming, my planning and strategising, my creation of my incredible 2013? It hasn’t come purely from my own thoughts and fantasies.

It’s come from using this tool, created by my gorgeous business mentor Leonie Dawson.

I read every word this woman writes. She lives the dream in her business and life. I know this for a fact, as I’ve been honoured enough to stay in her home on a retreat.

Leonie’s Incredible Life and Business workbooks and calendars will cost you less than buying a blank journal. They will literally transform the way you live and work in 2013.

Leonie’s work will gift you so many thoughts and ideas and questions to ask and journaling exercises and beauty and ability to believe in your best life, that you’ll wonder how you ever got through a year without it. The design alone is enough to get the creativity and dreaming flowing in a big way :)

Don’t be fooled into thinking this is a resource purely for dreaming.

This is a tool to Make. Shit. Happen.

To live your dreams. Your best life. You know – to press play, now.

Create your Incredible Year in 2013, and if you like Your Incredible Biz while you’re at it.

I am :)

After all –

Life is Now. Press Play.

PS This is one of the most important and transformative tools I have ever come across. Also one of the most fun!

I credit my business and my life success to the fact that I know how to dream big and dream hard. In fact, I can say with certainty that every amazing thing I enjoy in my life now was first experienced in my daydreams and journal! Leonie Dawson’s 2013 Create Your Incredible Year Workbook, planner & calendar is an incredibly popular & useful tool to help you plan out & make happen your most incredible year in life or business (or both!). Over the last four years, thousands of women have used this workbook with the most amazing results. It’s the best planning tool available to help you make your year your most exceptional yet!

Used by entrepreneurs, artists, mamas, creatives, coaches, teachers and women of all ages, the Creating Your Incredible Year workbooks are filled with dozens of pages of powerful worksheets & a printable calendar to help you create your amazing new year. This is a must-have if you’re also a planner and dreamer like me; I’ve already had so many lightbulb moments about what I am going to create in 2013!

For less than the cost of a breaky out, these workbooks are an essential NY ‘stocking stuffer’ to give to your bestest most favourite girlfriend – that’s you beautiful!

These are some of my personal favourite people and products. I only recommend the absolute best!

  • Sarah Wilson’s I Quit Sugar ebook – 8 Weeks To A Clearer and Cleaner You!

  • Arbonne Premium Organic Skincare + Makeup – The only premium organic skincare brand in the world, and my personal favourite.

  • Danielle LaPorte’s The Desire Map – I used this to get out of ‘should’ goals and into true dream-life-mapping. A real gem!

  • Kat’s $7 Podcasts – A great introduction to my work. Includes how to beat emotional eating and my top tips for female fat loss

  • Leonie Dawson’s Business Goddess e-course – My business mentor Leonie: give her 5 weeks and she’ll teach you how to create the business of your dreams.

  • Denise Duffield-Thomas’s Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp – The money mindset course that helped me increase my income by 60%!

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