Holy Fat Loss, Superwoman! (aka: my 25-minute Fat Burning SMACKDOWN for ya!)
One of my all-time FAVE ways to train is to do a fast fat-loss circuit. This is the sort of workout I often do if I run out of time getting to the gym (aka, spend too long on my laptop writing blogs and arrive near the end of the creche time!) and have only half an hour or less to GO for it.
It’s also my standard approach in hotel gyms … something I am mega familiar with after living location free as an online entrepreneur since middle of last year! From time to time we do go to a ‘real’ gym and put the kids in daycare there if possible, but often it’s a case of make do the best you can.
I’ll be honest – this is part of the reason I have NOTE been training properly, consistently! Sometimes I am half-assed and just go through the motions for half an hour. Other times I’ve skipped my workout because to be quite frank I just struggle to FEEL it when traveling. No excuses though, right?! That’s my new #kickbacktohot approach anyway!
But on the days when I do fire it up and GO FOR IT I feel INCREDIBLE. I also know from past experience that when I train like this even 2-3x a week on top of doing standard weight lifting I get LEAN, fast. So yesterday I got my butt in gear and WENT for it.
Here’s what I did, if you want to replicate. I left my guts on the floor, I tell ya!
Format: 6 exercises, 0-10 seconds rest between exercises, 60 seconds at the end of exercise #6, 5 rounds all up. Total time around 25 minutes.
A: Dumbell swings (like a kettlebell swing; I just didn’t have one handy) x 15
B: Bench jumps x 10 – jumping up into a squat position
C: 1 minute flat out on the rower
D: Neutral position DB flat chest press x 12
E: Single-arm DB high overhead pulls x 6 each side; heavy (from DB deadlift position, explode the DB overhead … note this is NOT for beginners; substitute with squats if you are new to training)
F: Back on bench, hands overhead holding on: leg raises with pulse at top and slow lowering, x 12
I am doing this as part of a 3-4x a week structured weight training program which I’ll write more about soon. My goal is to add in 3-4 fat burning workouts a week; many are even shorter than this example.
Enjoy the workout beautiful!
Life is Now. Press Play.
Kat x
PS – are you following my new Kick Back to Hot series? I’m getting my butt back in gear after eating my way through the USA the past few months! My before pics are on this page a few days down, as well as the first 2 blog entries for this series. Follow along as I rant and reboot my way back into top shape, and at the end I’m going to publish a book on it!
PPS DO THE WORKOUT. And let me know how you go x also, tag a friend who you think would love to do this workout with you!
PPPS Want to know how I eat when I’m actually on track, and how thousands of Woman Incredible readers have got in great shape over the years? Check out my Look Great Naked Eating Plan today! It’s on sale for the next 2 weeks at $10 off the already sweet price. I’d love to kick your butt back to hot!