Have You Missed These ‘Most Popular’ Posts On Woman Incredible?
‘One of the pics I’m considering for the cover of my new free ecourse ‘6 Ways To Get Your Dream Body’ – part of my rebrand!’
I’m having a busy week this week with my schedule chock full of coaching, teaching, workshop planning and (the biggie!) designing my website and brand makeover.
I very much want to just start sharing details of what is in store with my biz and this community, but I know from experience that I’ll probably change my plans a few more times yet before they’re complete. So I’m going to keep quiet for now!
This week I don’t have a new blog for you, so I thought I’d make sure you haven’t missed out on some of the best of Woman Incredible with a few handy links for you.
How To Eat Right: It’s Not Always About The Rules
This post is an extract from a sample menu plan included in the Woman Incredible VIP Platinum Mentoring and Gold Membership program. At the moment the doors are closed, but I will be having a ‘re-launch’ in early February, with a fantastic launch offer. Stay tuned!
For all that I promote eating a diet high in proteins, good fats, and greens and low in sugars, I also believe it is important never to get caught up in there being ‘only one right way’.
How Not To Eat A Whole Block Of Chocolate
It was Christmas. No wait, it was Easter. Actually, I was away on holidays. And I’d had kind of a stressful day! Okay, so I admit it – it was a bit of a reward. I’d been so good, after all – I deserved it! And I was just a little emotional. Besides, it was nearly out of date and so it hadto be eaten. Waste not want not. AND, what I nearly forgot to say was it had been a gift – it would have been incredibly rude to miss out on getting to enjoy it.
All of it. At once.
Okay, okay, so it was somewhere between Christmas and Easter and I may or may not have been on holidays.
It’s possible I was stressed but maybe not in a ‘have to eat chocolate or will kill someone’ sort of way, and it’s probable that I was emotional about something which I may or may not have been rewarding myself for handling nicely.
10 Smart Nutrition Habits You Can’t Live Without
Do you ever have one of those days where everything just goes haywire? One of those days where despite the very best of intentions, your plans to eat clean and lean fly out the window, lost somewhere in a blur of annoying little tasks and big scary panicky ones?
When I was working 70+ hours per week as a personal trainer, days like that were the norm. I’d somehow manage to start my day 5 minutes late despite the fact that I lived a 10 minute walk from the city gym I worked at, and I’d spend the rest of the day fighting to catch up. There was always time for coffee of course, and an afternoon stop at the Melbourne Central candy store. My trainer colleagues thought it was hilarious that I’d sit there eating a couple of Reese’s Peanut Butter cups most afternoons in the staff room before heading out to scold another client for their indulgent weekend.
Life is Now. Press Play.