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Free Recording: Kat’s Nutrition Cycling For Fat Loss Seminar!

July 9th, 2012

If you enjoy this free recording and the idea of more free teleseminars, please click like on this post. I am looking to guage interest as to whether I should run regular free teleseminars on different topics.

Last week I ran a free teleseminar on nutrition for fat loss. Specifically I spoke about the 3 different approaches I use to periodise or ‘cycle’ my nutrition, ensuring my body stays on its toes and forced to keep me in great shape!

Each of the 40 spaces I made available was snapped up and the ladies listening in absolutely loved it.

Here is the recording – you can listen to it here on the blog or download and save it as a podcast. It goes for a bit over an hour and is chock full of practical tips, tricks and ideas you can put to use right away.


Or you can right click and save to download to your iPod. On a Mac hit control and mouse then save link as.

some of the take-homers you’ll learn

  • The problems with being a clean eater or almost clean eater
  • Reasons why we cave on our diets no matter how strong our willpower!
  • The benefits of nutrition cycling, including avoiding nutritional boredom, get to eat your favourite foods in a way that works FOR your metabolism, never again deal with the dreaded fat loss plateau, it’s more fun, more tasty, and it works!
  • An in-depth analysis of my 3 strategies for nutrition cycling
  • How to apply what you learn and shake up your metabolism starting today

There were also a ton of great questions asked by the ladies attending, and you’ll hear me answer those.


And remember –

Life is Now. Press Play.

PS If you enjoyed this free recording and the idea of more free teleseminars, please click like on this post. I am looking to guage interest as to whether I should run regular free teleseminars on different topics.

Enter your name and email below for instant access!

3 people have commented
  1. Bec says:

    Hi Kat

    Finally had a chance to listen to the teleseminar this afternoon whilst under ‘house arrest’ waiting for my new couch to be delivered! Wow, really love the idea of nutrition cycling, and definitely what I need as I have really been struggling to stick with the low-carb way of eating after my holiday. So much of what you said really resonated and I can’t wait to get started with this approach. Will you be including an example of a high carb day as a future sample meal plan?


    • Kat says:

      Good idea Bec. Yes, I can do that. For now, know that it is basically include 1/2-1 cup healthy gluten-free starch with each meal as well as lean protein and minimise fats. Don’t stress about greens as you’ll eat them on your low carb days.

    • Kat says:

      Hi Bec, that’s a great idea. I may do so. For now, go with 1/2-1 cup of non-gluten starch per meal. Add lean protein and minimise fats. Don’t worry about greens as you will get them on the low carb days ?

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