Revealed For The First Time: My Step-By-Step System To Create The Body Of Your Dreams
The Dream Life Project is currently closed. Check back soon for the next release date!
If you could be, do or have anything you’d ever wanted, what would that look like?
What would the body of your dreams involve? How would it look; how would it feel? And what would it be like to walk around in it every day, confident that now that you had it you were never going to let it go?
Close your eyes for even a second and just imagine.
Imagine you finally had that body you’ve always dreamed about and that on top of it you also worked in the perfect business or career of your dreams. What would that look like? What would have you waking up each day just thinking how lucky and excited you are to get to make a living and a difference by doing the thing you love?
The thing that also allows you to get the most out of the other parts of life. Out of time with loved ones, time for travel and for trying and doing new things. Time to just be completely spontaneous, free. Time to just be you.
Speaking of which –
What would the perfect dream life look like for you?
What would it involve? What would your normal everyday life be like if it were absolutely and completely created by design?
Perhaps you’re not sure how to answer that last question. Perhaps you can’t even quite answer any of the questions above, either because you haven’t allowed yourself to dream in such detail or simply because you haven’t thought about dreaming in such detail.
Well – think about this.
If you want to, if you decide right now that you’re determined no matter what, and if you have the right resources and support to help you, you can and will make your dreams come true.
The dream body can be yours to walk around in each day. You can make a living and a difference doing something you love, without having to sacrifice 8+ hours a day to do so. And yes, you can also live a dream life where you get to experience, do and become things that most people would only dream about.
The Dream Life Project is my 5-week bootcamp that will give you all the tools, resources and support to change your body, your biz, and your life. With me at your side all you need to bring is the decision and determination to make a change.
And in just 5 weeks you could be walking around in that dream body, underway in your dream business and waking up each morning realising that the dream life you’ve continually put off has, in fact, arrived.
Today, for the first time, I’m revealing the step-by-step system I’m going to share in The Dream Life Project Bootcamp. And I’m SO excited to share this with you. Excited, exhilarated and just so darn happy for you as well, as I know how good this stuff is and what an incredible transformation it can make in your life in just 5 weeks.
So with no further ado, here are the details of the exact systems and processes you’ll be learning, living and loving as you join me in the inaugural Dream Life Project Bootcamp, starting Monday July 16th! I’m also revealing some of the resources you’ll receive to use and keep forever along the way!
part 1: the body of your dreams
In The Dream Life Project bootcamp I’ll teach you my step-by-step systems to creating the body, business and life of your dreams. Today, I want to reveal exactly what the ‘body’ system involves!
- Week 1: The Mindset Of Shaping Up For Life. I’ll teach you how to ‘flick the switch’ internally, so that you never again have to struggle for motivation; and never again have to start another diet!
- Week 2: Replace Don’t Erase. Learn how to replace your comfort foods and sabotaging habits with smart indulgences and behaviours – deprivation and sacrifice has NO place in creating the body of your dreams! This is the perfect week for dealing with emotional attachments to food and eating as well, something I will cover in detail and help you to break free of for life.
- Week 3: Nutrition Cycling For Lasting Fat Loss. Learn how to vary the way you eat and avoid dietary disaster by shocking your body. This is also the perfect recipe for avoiding nutrition boredom and covers the best ways to time treat foods so that they give you a metabolic advantage!
- Week 4: Creating Your Hassle Free Weekly Menu Plan. No more getting stuck for healthy food at home on the go, and definitely no fear of spending hours in the kitchen just to eat well. I don’t and nor should you! This week will give you peace of mind and a smart routine to guarantee you results as well as maximum enjoyment.
- Week 5: Stay On Track For Life. I’ll teach you the secrets of creating a lifestyle of great eating habits. This is about easy maintenance, staying on track, and about being practical, i.e. knowing how to quickly get back on track and back in shape if life happens!
dream body resources you will receive along the way
- Meal plans
- Basic daily workout to use
- Nutrition periodisation template and strategy sheet
- Weekly menu planner template
- Shopping list template
- Food prep template
And don’t forget you actually get a FREE copy of my $57 Look Great Naked Eating Plan as just one of your bonuses when you jump on board with my Dream Life Project Bootcamp! Great to keep for yourself or as a gift if you already have your copy.
Your minimum time commitment per week to rock the Dream Body thread of the Dream Life Project Bootcamp:
- 30 minutes total (max) watching the weekly video for this thread and doing the suggested strategy sheet to accompany it
- 60 minutes per week to do the bare body essentials daily workouts (of course you might do more training than this, but this is your basic morning metabolic booster that I’ll give you!)
- 1-3 hours per week in meal planning and food prep (which you’d do anyway)
Total minimum time commitment: 1.5-3.5 hours per week to get the body of your dreams, including meal preparation and food prep!Of course if you love extra motivation and support you may find yourself spending a little extra time in our private Dream Life Project Bootcamp Babes forum, or jumping onto one of my Q&A teleseminars!
proof that my systems work!
“Kat Loterzo has been the trainer who taught me how to lose 18kg (so far) in a safe and lasting way!
Kat inspired me to be a better woman by saying “YES” to myself and putting ME at the top of my priority list.
By following Kat’s advice, I felt I had all the tools to reach my dream of being a healthy, fit, and energetic mother rather than stay a tired, overweight excuse-maker!
When I exercise, it’s as if I can hear Kat’s voice encouraging me to push through and work that bit harder to achieve more. When I’m planning or preparing meals, I think of Kat’s nutritional plan and how to make my meals Kat-approved! Now I’ve learned to listen to my body and can tell almost immediately when I’ve eaten something that doesn’t make me FEEL my best!
Kat has been an amazing resource on my journey who is a wealth of knowledge on ways to help women achieve their dreams.
For that, I am eternally grateful!”
Katrina Tuscano, Mum to 4 children under 7
the dream life project bootcamp: grab your place now!
wanna know more?
Tomorrow I’ll be sharing my step-by-step system to create the business of your dreams. Everything we’ll be covering and implementing throughout the 5-week Dream Life Project Bootcamp.
You can wait till then, or if you’re already completely pumped from what you’ve just read about getting your dream body, and if you know that now is the time to seriously commit to transforming your life then you can jump in feet first and grab your spot now.
I believe that now is the time. That really, there is no other time aside from now in fact! So what are you waiting for?
Join me. It’s going to be an awesome 5 weeks. And how darn fabulous are you going to feel walking around in your newly gorgeous and inspired body?!
You’re going to rule your life. And why shouldn’t you? After all –
Life is Now. Press Play.
PS Some basic FAQs that I’ve been asked a lot recently! Firstly, you can read all of the yummy details and bonuses of The Dream Life Project Bootcamp here. Secondly, you MUST register by Wednesday July 11th or you’ll miss out. The start date is July 16th, but this is just the ‘official’ kick off date. You can start after that if you’re away that week, and you can pause throughout. Your bootcamp includes a free year’s membership, giving you plenty of time to use and re use the awesome content and download and keep it forever.
I can’t wait to kick this bootcamp off with you!
more proof that my systems work!
“Kat – Thank you so much for the difference you have made to my life.
As you know I have been struggling with my health (Adrenal Fatigue, etc). I have not worked for the last 6 months, getting out of bed has been a challenge, I have been sleeping during the day, I was extremely stressed and had no energy (or motivation) for exercise. Also in the past I have done a lot of different exercise programs and worked really hard but never got the results I wanted.
Then… I met you. Everything you say makes sense and I can see not only in your own physic and life, but in all of your clients that what you teach really works. You gave me a simple program that I could do at home (so I didn’t need to leave the house) and use my own body weight. I have had so many people tell me I have lost weight (which I haven’t), but clearly my body has changed shaped. I feel alive for the first time and have a new level of confidence that I had lost when I lost my health. So many great things are happening in my life – who would have thought by getting the right advice from the right person could make such a difference.
What inspired and motivated me to take action was your amazing experience and seeing how you live your life. I’ve been really enjoying your newsletters where you have been vunerable and really shared the shifts you’ve made in your own life. You inspired me and gave me hope again, that I too could finally have the body and life I’ve always wanted – at 40!!
Kat, you walk your talk, you have massive integrity and the value you provide is incredible.
Thank you for the gift that you are to the world and I look forward to updating you with my ongoing transformation.”
Jo Harrison, Woman Incredible reader
“I have known Kat for over 10 years, in which time I have seen her grow as a competent business owner and empower countless women through her work as a Personal Trainer and nutritionist.
Kat has empowered myself through her actions. I have watched worked hard at her dreams and seen the pay off, she is proof that if you dream big and work hard you can achieve anything.
I remember her saying that the more you give the more get in regards to her knowledge of Nutrition, this stuck with me at the time because I was working in a corporate environment where business was such a cut throat world.
It was refreshing to hear her approach as selfless and passionate.
Kat believes in what she teaches which I believe is why she resinates with so many woman.
Honestly I am in awe of Kat, I have seen her struggle and ultimately triumph with her work because she is so passionate about what she does, and she balances this with her family life.
Kat is a successful business Woman, Mother, Wife, beautiful friend and truly inspiring xx”
Liana Howe, Woman Incredible Reader
“Kat constantly amazes me by seeing what she wants to be or achieve and sets about making it happen.
I was most inspired recently by her passion for what she’s building now with The Dream Life Project. Her energy is contagious and challenging all at once. However it’s not just her strength and success that but her honesty about the darker things she’s dealt with makes her message real for everyone.
For me personally my health and fitness were a big limiting factor in living my dream life and Kat’s resources have helped me have find energy to build my dream life and strength to do the work that dream building takes.”
Hayley Williams, mother to two young children
I believe that now is the time. That really, there is no other time aside from now in fact! So what are you waiting for?
Join me. It’s going to be an awesome 5 weeks. And how darn fabulous are you going to feel walking around in your newly gorgeous and inspired body?!
You’re going to rule your life. And why shouldn’t you? After all –
Life is Now. Press Play.
PS Seriously – life is NOW. Grab it by the horns with both hands!

[…] Click here to read the exact content and resources you’ll learn and receive to get your dream body! […]