5 Reasons Why Most People Don’t Get Their Dream Body – Or Dream Life
I read a great article last week on why people don’t become wealthy. It was by Brian Tracy, who is a favourite motivational writer of mine; I’ve been reading his stuff for years.
As I read the article and felt myself relate to some of the points, it hit me that the reasons he listed are exactly the same as the reasons most people never get their dream body, or indeed their dream life.
1. It never occurs to them. They are surrounded by mostly unhappy people who have settled for the life/body that they have, and think that ‘this is as good as it gets’. Remember – if you don’t believe it is possible, you won’t take action on the steps it would truly take to get ‘there’.
2. They never decide to. They might hope and pray and even plan to, but they never make a firm commitment and irrevocable decision to do whatever it takes until they create their ideal life. As Brian Tracy says, “If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got.”
3. They procrastinate. This has been me to a ‘t’ in so many areas of my life, although one thing I’ve realised just recently is that you will always find time for the stuff that you really and truly care about and want more than anything. If you’re repeatedly procrastinating on working toward a goal, ask yourself if that goal is a ‘should’ or a ‘must’. If you think it is a ‘must’ and yet you still don’t do what it takes to get there, then something else (perhaps avoiding the pain of sacrifice or the fear of failure) is more important. Take some time to get crystal clear on what you want in your life and why. And then start taking action NOW.
4. They insist on instant gratification. Most people are looking for a quick fix, whether they admit or not. They have the idea that if they are ‘really good’ for a few days or a week then they will see instant change. Unfortunately it doesn’t always happen this way, and they give up; saying that “it just doesn’t work for them”, or “it must be bad genetics. You can like it or lump it, but remember that it took a certain amount of time to get to where you are now. Getting out of it will also take a certain amount of time, and you won’t necessarily see results right away.
5. They focus on the here and now rather than on the big picture. What is the ‘end goal’ for you? Where do you hope to be in a year? In 5 years, or 10? Thinking about the big picture and then starting to simply live your life the way you hope to be is what will get you there, as opposed to dieting toward a particular day (which implies an end time to the diet and therefore a return to previous habits) or giving in to how you feel each day rather than following through on the tasks that will help you to meet your bigger goals.
What do you think? Do you see yourself in any of these points? Please press like if you enjoyed this article!
Remember –
Life is Now. Press Play.