47 Secret Habits Of Those Annoyingly Healthy Types (Plus One)
- They are consistent in what they do – whether its eating well, working out, or focusing on the positive.
- They’re open-minded about nutrition, and willing to explore different options regardless of how controversial they may be.
- They know that it’s okay to let loose once in a while – a night out for dinner, a few too many drinks, that extra coffee.
- And they don’t beat themselves up about it the next day
- (But they do get right back on the straight and narrow).
- They enjoy being healthy, living their lives in that way. They don’t see it as a chore, and so it’s not one.
- They surround themselves with like-minded people. At the gym, at work, amongst their friends, or online.
- They make their own decisions – a new trend or food fad might arouse some curiosity but they don’t jump to try it unless they’ve seriously thought it over.
- They have solid health values – when it comes to their body, to feeling and looking a certain way they know what’s important to them. They’ve taken time to think about it.
- Have you?
- And they’ve committed to it – either in writing, or by sharing their goals with others.
- What’s more, they put time aside for it regularly. They make sure that first things come first.
- Getting to the gym or the track, preparing good food, taking time to reflect or meditate – this is what they make time for. Not TV or twitter updates.
- You see, they avoid cop-out excuses – being too busy, too tired, too whatever; none of that factors in. Their health is their priority.
- But they know that they can’t control everything, and they accept without remorse those occasions when their plans are thrown off course.
- What’s more, they’re not afraid to seek support when they lose motivation, or have a health issue that can’t be resolved, or just want to learn something new.
- They know that asking for help is a sign of intelligence, not weakness.
- But they’re unlikely to run straight to the obvious outlets for assistance – they’re more likely to do their own research, seek alternative resources on or offline, and they’re definitely happy to ask some heavy-duty questions if they’re not quite convinced.
- (And they’ll never take health advice from someone who doesn’t exhibit that same annoyingly upbeat look and energy).
- They don’t get swept up in wide-spread panic – for example, they’re unlikely to pop out for a cervical cancer or swine flu vaccine without fully considering the pros and cons.
- They know that just because a ‘recent study revealed’ something doesn’t mean that they should change tactics. They take much of what they read with a grain of salt.
- And it’s easy for them to do this, because they’re adept at listening to their bodies. They’ve taken the time to trial different approaches, to consider their physical, mental and emotional responses, and to come back to those things which work best for them.
- Have you?
- They understand that what works for one person may not work for another, and could even make a third person worse.
- They’re not necessarily happy by nature, but they understand the power of a positive mindset and (if necessary), they make a concerted effort to do things to make them happier.
- They might even use these 9 Secrets Of Truly Happy People as a starting point.
- They know their own strengths, accept their failing points, and recognize that their time is better spent improving their good points than overcoming weaknesses.
- They’re not afraid to go against the grain (both literally and metaphorically!)
- Truly healthy types know that sugar is the real evil, not fat.
- And they eat plenty of it (fat, that is).
- Mostly organic, of course –
- Avocado, raw nuts and seeds, omega 3’s or oily fish olive oil, coconut oil or milk, and even the saturated fat from animals (if it’s organic).
- Oh, and plenty of eggs for healthy cholesterol – especially the yolk.
- They seem to be more ‘up’ than ‘down’. It could just be lucky genetics –
- Or it could be all that good fat fueling their hormonal system and balancing their moods
- You see, they know how important balanced hormones are. For weight loss as well as general health. And that exercise and good nutrition aren’t always enough.
- Of course plenty of protein really does help. That perky energy and healthy physique? They didn’t get it without regular protein intake.
- Plant-based to a small extent, perhaps. But mainly loads of the good stuff –
- All types of red meat, game meat, poultry, dairy (raw if they’re really into natural health), eggs of course. You get the idea.
- With unlimited fresh green veg to round off the meal.
- You see, the real healthy types, they don’t care about the norm. Or what conventional wisdom says.
- Take fruit for example – real health nuts know that it’s a seasonal food. That it’s not natural or healthy to eat fruit all year long. And that true (wild) fruit is not very sweet anyhow, so the stuff we get today certainly isn’t great for us.
- You see, they know that (for the most part) Grandma had the right idea – it’s all about getting back to basics. About eating the way we were designed to eat – the way the human race evolved.
- And they’re not swept up in the hoo-ha of poorly researched environmentalists either – they know that our world would be much better off if we all survived on the foods that were naturally provided for us, rather than destroying (in some cases) entire States, rivers and forests in order to farm grains. Funny how the food never ran out until we started defying nature.***
- Here’s something else I’ll bet you didn’t know – healthy people talk themselves into doing, being, living a certain way. Unhealthy people talk themselves out of it. It doesn’t matter how valid the excuses are.
- Healthy people have their eye on the end goal. For them, it’s not about the day to day so much (and whether they feel like it), it’s about the outcome they’re working toward. It’s about knowing that a certain action, reproduced over time, will beget a certain result.
- They know that a thought becomes an action, become a habit and then a character. Which becomes their destiny.
- So who are you becoming at the moment?
Life is Now. Press Play.
***Want to know the full nitty-gritty about back to basics healthy eating, and how we actually ruined our world? I’m reading The Vegetarian Myth at the moment and it is absolutely mind-blowing. You’ll never look at a field of corn the same way again.
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[…] you want to find out the other Habits of Healthy People check out Body […]
Great information, I really like it, but I would suggest to provide it in smaller amounts. There is a lot of information and it could be overwhelming!
I know that you want to share a lot. But sometimes less is more.
All the best,
HI Boris. You’re right, this one was a bit of an info overload! I like throwing big posts like this out there now and then, but rest assured that most of my pieces focus on just a few main points. In fact, much of what I’ve written here simply summarises a host of other posts from over the past year or so.
Great Post! Very motivational. Fortunately, most of these apply to me, but I see some that I’ve been slipping on, and so I will strive to make sure that all of them apply to me.