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Food For Thought Or Food For Fuel? Why Dieting Sucks.

by Kat on October 4, 2011

Do you ever get sick and tired of thinking about food? What you should eat, what you shouldn’t eat, what you better force down even if you don’t feel like it, what you should resist because it’s ‘bad’?

This morning I had a revelation. An epiphany, if you will. It was suggested to me while in conversation with a fellow Poliquin colleague, so I can’t take full credit for it even though it’s something I’ve thought many times before. But anyway, here it is.

The more you think, analyse, ponder and beat yourself up about what you should or should not be eating the further you move from the concept of what food is really about. This is not a good thing. It fills your mind, often in a tormenting manner, and it detracts from the two most important ‘essences’ of good food.

what food is really about

 To me, food is ideally about enjoyment and about fuel. No food is inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad’. (Don’t try to catch me out with trans fats arguments, ’cause I’ll just tell you that’s not food. Ha :) )

All food has redeeming qualities and yes, many foods have qualities that – if you take them in excess – might detract from you achieving your goals.

But if you think about it (no pun intended), the more you think about it the more confused you get about what’s right. About whether you’re properly following the rules. About whether you’re even up to date with the new rules.

it shouldn’t have to be so hard

Stop thinking about right and wrong, and start thinking about fuel. Consider, for example, your meals for the past day or so.

  • which foods made you feel most alive?
  • most energised?
  • most inspired?
  • most comfortable?
  • happy?
  • strong?
  • which foods were whole foods, minimally processed
  • which foods did you relish eating without feeling ‘bad’ about it afterwards?
  • and which ones did you eat, enjoy, and then move on with your day after? As opposed to analysing whether you should have eaten them?

your perfect diet

Eat more of those, plus a little of what you truly fancy, and I reckon you’ll be doing okay.

Your thoughts?

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"Kat Eden Australia's Female Fat Loss Queen"

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  Tanya October 4, 2011 at 10:50

You got in to my head again Kat! : ) That was exactly what I needed to read today. I have been “relaxing” more with my food lately (ie, not over thinking and not stressing about it) and even though it is a foreign concept to me and taking my brain a little while to get used to I feel good and you’re right I am enjoying food more and still making healthy choices.
Great post. Thanks again!


Kat Eden October 4, 2011 at 11:51

Thanks Tanya; glad it struck a chord with you!


  Sara Wiercinski October 4, 2011 at 12:33

I just joined yesterday after a friend of mine who is also a Poliquin trainer told me about your blog. What an excellent first post to read. After finding out I am allergic to Gluten last year I have no problem staying away from it. Everything else I have a crazy glutton then guilt relatnship with. I am working on looking at everything the same as I do Gluten if I know I shouldn’t have it I avoid it for awhile then listen to my body when I reintroduce it. It is a continual work in progress. Thanks for the encouraging words.


Kat October 4, 2011 at 13:38

It IS a work in progress, isn’t it Sara? So true … we have to remember not to be too hard on ourselves through the journey! Who was the trainer?


  Sara Wiercinski October 4, 2011 at 20:35

Mitch Shooks. I LOVE wellness have worked in the fitness industry for 10 years. I started teaching group x, then got into admin and then management. I am going to finally take the plunge and get get my CPT and am attending Biosig in March. I also love to write and was contemplating a blog, Mitch recommended yours as one that is well done, I agree :)


Alma Jimenez Carroll via Facebook October 4, 2011 at 13:37

Eating clean: fruit vegetables, lean protein, with a scheduled cheat meals


Woman Incredible via Facebook October 4, 2011 at 13:46

Love it :)


Alma Jimenez Carroll via Facebook October 4, 2011 at 13:48

I don’t always eat that way 100% but I do aim for at least 90%. I tried to eat McD today, bleh, just couldn’t go there. Did have a few fries, then went home and ate a bar and gave hubby my food, which he was happy to have.


Sheridan Eksteen via Facebook October 4, 2011 at 21:19

My perfect diet would be similar to what I’m currently eating, except someone else cooks and cleans, :)


Woman Incredible via Facebook October 5, 2011 at 08:49

hahaha … that does sound PERFECT!


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