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Get Ready For Magnificance!

by Kat on May 29, 2012

It's nearly here! I'm so excited!

Man! I can hardly write this blog today cos I am so excited!!!!

For the past 5 months I’ve been feverishly working on a top secret training plan I’ve specifically designed for the busy-on-the-go woman just like YOU!

This means you can finally get the sculpted, lean body you’ve always dreamed of . . . .and the best bit is you can achieve all this in as little as 2 hours per week!

I’ve poured all my years of experience as a National Strength & Conditioning coach, personal trainer, fat loss expert and motivator to make this easy-to-use video training plan the most time effective way to get in shape FAST.

So I hope you’re ready for magnificence!

The only bad news is you’ve got 48 hours to wait for it.

My Woman Incredible Look Great Naked Training Plan launches in 2 days from now on Thursday May 31st at 10.30am so I’m not going to say much more today apart from how jam-packed with it is with over 45 of my favourite fitness strategies, exercises you can do at the gym, at home or on the go!

And even if I say so myself . . . it’s amazing!!

the best bit!

Here’s the best bit! As I said I’m launching my Woman Incredible Look Great Naked Training Plan in 2 days time to readers of this blog only and for the first lucky 100 people to go for it you get it at a hugely discounted price.


Because apart from my husband and little girl you’re the one I value the most and this is my way of giving back to you.

So look out for an email from me this Thursday at 10.30am where I’ll tell you everything about my brand new baby . . .

Until then, remember –

Life is now. Press Play.

PS remember to keep an eye on your inbox on Thursday at 10.30am. Yay!


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  Nicole May 29, 2012 at 11:02

Hi just read the article can’t wait for your new program.

Many thanks



Kat May 29, 2012 at 15:05

Thanks Nicole! Me too!


  Natasha May 29, 2012 at 20:00

I am excited too, can’t wait to see it. Go girl!!!


Kat May 30, 2012 at 06:38

Thanks Natasha! Appreciate the suport!


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