Something else, unrelated to design that I wanted to share with you.

Food. We eat it everyday. The right food provides us with energy, fuel and nourishment. But, sometimes it’s not so much about food. Sometimes it’s about eating. Eating for health and hunger, yes. But also eating for comfort or because you are bored or tired or upset about something completely unrelated to food.
Eating to deal with emotions – loneliness, anger, sadness, frustration. Eating when you’re not even hungry at all, but because you need to fill a void. Fill it with something. Anything. Eating because it’s a habit. Because it’s what you’ve always done. Because somehow food provides you with a coping mechanism. A distraction.
Eating because it makes you feel something.
For a minute.
A second.
And then suddenly it’s over and you’re back to where you were in the beginning.
Unless you eat something else.
Then the cycle begins again.
And sometimes it’s hard to stop. Each bite gives you that mini rush – of flavour, texture, the act of chewing. Sensation. Even once your stomach is full. You know you’ve had enough but you’re not quite ready to let it go yet. To come back to reality. From what? From where? Most of the time you don’t even know. It’s easier to focus instead on the food. And so you continue to eat. Slowly. Experiencing everything. Sweet, salty, crunchy. Savouring it all.
And then something changes. There comes a point where you don’t taste the food anymore. The whole experience becomes mechanical. Autopilot. Time speeds up. Nothing can stop you now. Don’t think, just eat. Eat until you’re finished. Until you feel full. Until you can’t possibly fit another thing inside.
Then you stop.
You’ve gone too far.
It hits you.
Too full.
You feel sick.
And in that moment you hate the food and the eating and you hate that you do this to yourself. And yet you still want more. But you know you’ve reached your limit. Yes, you actually do have limits. And so instead of thinking about the food or the reasons why you started eating it in the first place, you focus instead on how you feel now. Repulsion and shame for every thought about what you’ve just done to yourself and your body. Your poor body. And you curl yourself up into a ball, turn out the lights and try to sleep. And as your belly squirms, you promise yourself that it will be different next time.
Over and over.
You tell yourself.
That was the last time.
You say to yourself.
You don’t do this anymore.
You’re no longer that person.
You’re better than she is.
You’re smarter.
And you tell yourself that you can beat this. That you’ve got everything under control. Even though you’re still not entirely sure. Yet, you try to believe in yourself with all of your heart. Because in the moment that’s the best you can do. And you hug your knees in close to your chest and you cry.
‘Next time will be different…’
You whisper.
It will.
I love it! Congrats on such a great job, you have covered everything. Quantities of foods and supplements is something that I’ve been needing some more guidance in, so thank you!
I never imagined I’d be doing a sexy photo shoot at under 11% body fat after losing 30kg.
For me, going to the gym and training every day is my top achievement. I have learned that nothing is ever as scary as it seems, eating for fuel is sooooooooo much better than junk ever makes you feel and I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything by not eating my old favourites.
I love that after only two weeks, I’m loving training (instead of dreading it), I’m making extra effort to eat for fuel, and I don’t feel like eating foods that lack nutrients even when I see others eating them!
Just a quick note to share my latest stats with you!
Before Starting | Now | Total Loss after 5 months following Kat’s workouts | |
Weight | 105kg | 87kg | -18kg |
Chest | 114cm | 102cm | -12cm |
Waist | 114cm | 96cm | -18cm |
Hips | 119.5cm | 104.5cm | -15cm |
Right Thigh | 60cm | 55cm | -5cm |
Left Thigh | 60cm | 54cm | -6cm |
Dress Size | 18 (tight but I refused to buy a size 20) | 12 | -4 dress sizes |
So my goal is just another 3.5kg; 4cm off my hips and 6.5cm off my waist to get to my body before four pregnaincies, then I can re-set my goals for the ultimate incredible body!!
Thank you once again, I couldn’t have done it without you.
xoxoxox Katrina
The exercise routines are great! I love the variety and pushing myself with each set. I have been doing your workout sessions and they have helped me improved my fitness & strength, and best of all they are easy to follow!
Thanks mate!
I have dropped centimeters off everywhere, I’m so grateful to you!
Before doing your workout I was feeling that spacey, unfocused heady, draining feeling again. But pushing through the workout felt much better – uplifted!
I think it’s because you’re encouraging me forward, to get better and I too want to feel better so am accumulating the right energy to push through.
I love the exercises as they don’t bore me. The types of exercise you get me to do generates the right attitude!
I LOVE the way each week builds on the week before – always challenging me – and how you make it so the training can be adapted depending on how much time I have each week/day.
The videos of how to do each exercise are incredibly valuable tool and I refer to them regularly.
What can I say – you are making this super easy for me to achieve my goals. I so love that I have found you and Woman Incredible – 2012 is going to be my year to have all that I dream of.
Oh, did I forget to say THANK YOU!
My favourite parts are receiving and watching your workouts as that is what I love doing and is never a problem for me. I go to the gym 4-5 days a week and have just started doing a mix up for my cardio. So your burn workouts are perfect!
I’m going to try one tonight!
“I realise now that for years I wasted my time at the gym, working out for an hour at a time several times a week and yet my body shape never changed!
Since following Kat’s VIP workouts I have lost those stubborn extra kilos, gone to a size 6 clothing and dropped 2% body fat as well as become leaner, stronger and fitter.
Kat’s workouts are like having a personal trainer with you everytime you go to the gym. The videos show exactly how to perform each move and Kat gives detailed instructions to ensure you get the maximum out of each workout. The program has everything – HIIt training, strength training, circuits, core work – even a wind-down.
I used to feel too intimidated to spend much time in the weights area of my gym but now I stake out my space with confidence. I have no hesitation in recommending Kat’s program and have already done so to friends, colleagues, and other gym-goers.”
Have downloaded the eating plan – looks amazing! You have done a brilliant job, well done, beautiful looking recipes. I can’t wait to get started on it!
Also got a copy of your new ebook, I am enjoying testing out some of the ideas!
Kat is such a force of nature who inspires and helps everyone in her path. She is always able to renew my faith in myself and in what I can achieve. Everyday I am closer to living my dream – the mindset, the body and the business just by following Kat’s advice.
Kat practices what she preaches and is a living example of how easy it is (with the right mindset and instructions) to change everything that we want to change and be everything we want to be.
She is my mentor and I don’t know where I’d be without her!
Kat is one of the most inspirational people I have ever met. She completely changed my outlook on life and how I should look after myself. I now train, eat and life live in a way that makes me truly grateful for who I am. I treat my body like a temple and I reap the rewards from it everyday. Thanks a million Kat
I have been friends with Kat for over 14 years and over those years she has always managed to inspire me as I have watched her over the years, chase her dreams and achieve so much, never giving up.
She is a great friend, and always there to inspire or help out.
I read Kat’s posts religiously as she inspires me to believe and achieve every single day.
Kat makes me perceive that I am the one who controls my own life and by believing in myself I can achieve every goal I set for myself and create the best life I can live.
I have had the worst year of my life due to personal dilemmas yet Kat motivates me every day to get up and believe in myself and that things can get better and will!!!
I now live my life according to my dreams and focus on what I can change rather than dwell on what I can’t.
Her writing has impacted me both mentally and physically. Her quote “anything is achievable it’s just whether you’re willing to take the leap of faith …” is exactly what I am doing every day thanks to Kat. Kat, what you do for us women is amazing and you are equally a strong woman and fantastic mother!! And like I have said, we are blessed to have you part of our family xxx
Kat – Thank you so much for the difference you have made to my life.
As you know I have been struggling with my health (Adrenal Fatigue, etc). I have not worked for the last 6 months, getting out of bed has been a challenge, I have been sleeping during the day, I was extremely stressed and had no energy (or motivation) for exercise. Also in the past I have done a lot of different exercise programs and worked really hard but never got the results I wanted.
Then… I met you. Everything you say makes sense. I feel alive for the first time and have a new level of confidence that I had lost when I lost my health. So many great things are happening in my life – who would have thought by getting the right advice from the right person could make such a difference.
What inspired and motivated me to take action was your amazing experience and seeing how you live your life. I’ve been really enjoying your newsletters where you have been vulnerable and really shared the shifts you’ve made in your own life. You inspired me and gave me hope again, that I too could finally have the body and life I’ve always wanted – at 40!!
Kat, you walk your talk, you have massive integrity and the value you provide is incredible.
Thank you for the gift that you are to the world and I look forward to updating you with my ongoing transformation.
I have been working with Kat for 5 months and she has changed my life! She has guided me through many difficult and anxious times in regards to the way my body is responding. Most importantly, she has offered strategies and suggestions to relax and listen to my body – not be ruled by my stressed head!
Kat has helped me to listen to my body for the first time in my life. I had spent years on that merry-go-round, wondering why I was not achieving the results I wanted. Since I have begun this journey I have gained a huge amount of confidence, belief and trust in myself. I am stronger both physically and mentally and I am now finally realising that I am worthy of all the great things that I can create in my life.
I thank you Kat for leading me on my journey and for your diligence in checking that things are going well.
5 weeks ago I honestly didn’t believe in myself let alone believe I was capable of making changes and finding a small amount of happiness each day.
Thanks to Kat’s support I now believe I am capable of making changes and I am capable of finding some happiness each day.
Thank you Kat, I can’t believe how different my life is from a year ago!
Kat – where do I start?
Maybe the most honest thing I can say is that working with you has allowed me to shift through the fog and clutter in my head, work out what I really want, what makes me happy and what is holding me back.
You have also helped me to define some concrete next steps and goals that I am working towards. I like the saying that good people have people to help make them better. Having a coach like you is helping me become a better (best) version of me and I’m blown away at how you just seem to know things about me that even I didn’t know!
To anyone wanting to find happiness and peace within themselves and learn how to live their best life you need to work with Kat!
Kat I just did one of your mindset activities, and wow it’s amazing how you can change your thinking! I was feeling really low this morning not believing I’m worthy or good enough for a relationship or to achieve any of my goals.
But doing this has just helped me to love myself more and feel I can do it. I’m really noticing the shifts!
Last night, my boyfriend grabbed my bum, then told me to stop tensing – he always says my glutes are never as tight as when we first met… OMG last night he finally said they are!!
And he is right, my booty is looking HOT haha. So now I am thinking about other wins I’ve had recently in the gym and within myself and I’m feeling great!
Thanks Kat!
I pulled out my jeans that I was going to use as my benchmark jeans (thinking they wouldn’t fit, I got them when I was about 24 and have not worn them since I moved back from London 3 years ago) and they fit… So I am stoked about that. I think I will be focusing more on strength and toning and regaining my waistline after pregnancy stole it!
Thanks Kat, you’ve set up a cool program. I’m really enjoying it.
Kat, I had to take the time to write to you and tell you just how incredible and inspirational you are.. and to say a big THANK YOU.
Ever since you cam up on my radar I have been ‘addicted’ to you and your amazing advice, motivation, knowledge and energy. ‘Woman Incredible’ is on my mind every day and my life is so much better because of it.
Through you and the unwavering passion you have for helping people, I feel as though I have come ‘into my own’ more in the past two months than ever before and feel more comfortable in my own skin.
I have always been interested and passionate about health and fitness but you have opened my eyes tenfold and for that I am eternally grateful.
I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that lately people have been saying my skin looks glowing, I look radiant, they can tell I have lost weight, people who haven’t seen me for a while say I am looking really good and happy, people are posting fabulous motivational posters on my Facebook wall and saying it made them think of me (which I can’t tell you how great I thought that was when I saw it I thought ‘Kat would be so proud’), people tell me I am superwoman, determined and the like.. but most importantly I feel great.
In the big picture I am only in the early stages of my new life transformation but already I can see and feel changes in my mind, body and spirit. Of course I have had times lately where I feel like I am faltering or really wonder if my body is changing all that much but I have to stop and take a minute to realise that I am doing a lot of positive things to be better myself, I am making changes for the better and slowly but surely transformation is occurring… I am – becoming Woman Incredible.
I thought you should know just how special you are. From the bottom of my healthy and happy heart, thank you. Nikki xx
I’m loving my daily digests BTW, it comes through in the arvo at work and I sit her waiting for it
So thanks, you’ve done a FABULOUS job!
I pulled out my jeans that I was going to use as my benchmark jeans (thinking they wouldn’t fit, I got them when I was about 24 and have not worn them since I moved back from London 3 years ago) and they fit… So I am stoked about that. I think I will be focusing more on strength and toning and regaining my waistline after pregnancy stole it
Thanks Kat, you’ve set up a cool program. I’m really enjoying it.
The whole program so far is amazing. You truly have dotted all your ‘I’s and crossed your ‘T’s
I never imagined I’d be doing a sexy photo shoot at under 11% body fat after losing 30kg.
Kat – where do I start?
Maybe the most honest thing I can say is that working with you has allowed me to shift through the fog and clutter in my head, work out what I really want, what makes me happy and what is holding me back.
You have also helped me to define some concrete next steps and goals that I am working towards. I like the saying that good people have people to help make them better. Having a coach like you is helping me become a better (best) version of me.
Kat I just did your mindset activity, and wow it’s amazing how you can change your thinking! I was feeling really low this morning not believing I’m worthy or good enough for a relationship or to achieve any of my goals.
But doing this has just helped me to love myself more and feel I can do it. I’m really noticing the shifts!
Oh Kat, you are simply amazing. I have been yo-yoing with my weight for 20 years. It has been mentally and physically draining over that time – like self imposed torture. I have been following your 6 steps podcast, blog, meal plan and also training plan for about 6 months and everything I read of yours is like little light bulbs going off in my head. Your “why” behind your methods resonate with me and when the opportunity came up to work one on one with you (after quite a bit of mental battle) I just decided to jump and trust.
You are making me look and dig beyond the mere physical outer me and find who I am inside. You are so right when you told me that until I get my head sorted out no eating plan or exercise plan is going to work (after all I have tried pretty much them all over the last 20 years). The journal homework you gave me to do was confronting, but so beneficial. I can already feel shifts and it has been only 5 days. I am looking at my goals in a different light and I am feeling a gurgle in my gut that is telling me I am taking the right actions to fulfill my dreams.
I so wish I had found you many years ago, as it would of made this journey of mine far shorter. I am really, really, REALLY looking forward to our coming calls and digging up all of this emotional and mental baggage that is weighing me down far more than my physical weight is.
Bring it on – both the new mind and the new body. Looking forward to seeing what I achieve. I have a feeling I am going to amaze even myself, so thank you for sharing your gifts with me because they are gifts that you have on how to knuckle down into ones core. And a gift you share which is even more priceless.
Last night, my boyfriend grabbed my bum, then told me to stop tensing – he always says my glutes are never as tight as when we first met… OMG last night he finally said they are!!
And he is right, my booty is looking HOT haha. So now I am thinking about other wins I’ve had recently in the gym and within myself and I’m feeling great!
Thanks Kat!
I have never been ‘overweight’ but in May 2011 I was probably bordering on it .I spent a year trying different workouts and ‘diets’ and finally plateaued.
Then I came across Kat.
This is when it finally ‘clicked’ – I needed to totally change my strategy and adopt a whole new lifestyle. I changed my nutrition completely, stopped focusing so much on calories and moved more towards body weight training (mostly just at home).
I’m starting to finally feel the difference
Kat has helped in a way no one else has before. Kat always finds more and more layers to look at, think about, make a choice and make a change for the better.
Not only has she helped me lose over 19kg, but she encouraged me to face my emotional eating problem, learn what I’m really looking for out of my life and she gave me the tools to do the work I need to do to get there.
Kat inspires me to be a better mother by focusing on the present and what’s really important as opposed to what I used to do which was try to be Supermum and do what EVERYONE else thinks is important.
I’ve learned to weed out the “crappy” people in my life and be happy for others who threaten my insecurities. I’m inspired to write and build a phenomenal business and do something every day to bring my dreams closer rather than just wait around for the perfect life to happen on it’s own.
Thanks again Kat xx
Absolutely loving the information you are providing Kat, you are just what I need.
I’m loving your weekly updates, sample meal plans and recipe ideas! I’m cooking both recipes next weekend!
Oh… and I just had to pass on your Chicken Coconut Curry to my clients.. they’re all so excited about it! Congratulations on putting all this work together! I’m really excited for you!
Your hard work is definitely paying off!
Anyone who know how to train and knows what to eat but lets their emotions interfere with their goals- then this program is for you!
I have been following Kat Loterzo for a while now on FB and I thought she was just another trainer with another meal plan/training program and I’d be wasting money buying something I’d only do for 12 weeks and then go back to “What now?” I decided to give the Best Body Now Seminar presented by Kat and Justine as I was at my wits end!
This girl gets into your head- she has methods of working out what you truly desire and what it is that is really holding you back from being your DREAM YOU. I only joined up to the VIP Program just over a week ago and I can tell that this program and Kat herself are going to help me to become who I want to be. This girl knows her shit, she is real and she is just like you and me (except smarter and more knowledgeable!) She has had the experience and knows exactly what is going on in our minds!
Kat I look forward to seeing what is going to happen this year… I am so excited but also scared of the reality that I may soon be happy! Lets re-phrase that in the Kat way- I will find my Zen this year, I will be happy and I will be content with myself finally in this year of 2013!
“Seriously…the cookbook is amazing!!! As soon as it officially launches I will be showing everyone. The layout is great, pictures are beautiful and the food looks healthy, amazing and yummy. You guys did an incredible job. Cant wait to print off the copy with the cover and get it bound lol (sooooo OCD).”
The Lean Chef Look Great Naked Cookbook is full of so many delicious looking meals! It is great to have such an expansive collection of recipes to choose from, knowing that all are not only seriously yummy, but also made from of fresh, real ingredients. I am excited to start cooking – my only dilemma being which recipe to try first! What an inspiring publication – thanks Kat and Enzo!
I have been working with Kat Eden for over 3 months I have been amazed with my results in this short period of time.
Kat’s diverse knowledge & understanding of nutrition and training is one of a kind. From fat loss, building lean muscle, to general health and wellbeing Kat Eden is one of the best professionals in the business.
Whether your just starting out, looking to try something new or already in the industry yourself, I highly recommend Kat as a coach, trainer and mentor.
Kat is a true example of consistent hard work and results.
Thank you for all your help Kat, I would not have achieved all I have today without your help!
I’m enjoying the new changes to my lifestyle since joining the program. I’m feeling stronger, I’m loving the workouts which aren’t causing me to feel fatigued as cardio used to!
“I realise now that for years I wasted my time at the gym, working out for an hour at a time several times a week and yet my body shape never changed!
Since following Kat’s VIP workouts I have lost those stubborn extra kilos, gone to a size 6 clothing and dropped 2% body fat as well as become leaner, stronger and fitter.
Kat’s workouts are like having a personal trainer with you everytime you go to the gym. The videos show exactly how to perform each move and Kat gives detailed instructions to ensure you get the maximum out of each workout. The program has everything – HIIt training, strength training, circuits, core work – even a wind-down.
I used to feel too intimidated to spend much time in the weights area of my gym but now I stake out my space with confidence. I have no hesitation in recommending Kat’s program and have already done so to friends, colleagues, and other gym-goers.”
I’m loving the home workouts as it gives me structure when I’ve only got a spare half hour
To be honest I’ve been doing more of the home stuff then the gym stuff!
Just a quick note to share my latest Woman Incredible VIP stats with you!
Before Starting Woman Incredible VIP | Now | Total Loss after 5 months following the Woman Incredible Platinum Program | |
Weight | 105kg | 87kg | -18kg |
Chest | 114cm | 102cm | -12cm |
Waist | 114cm | 96cm | -18cm |
Hips | 119.5cm | 104.5cm | -15cm |
Right Thigh | 60cm | 55cm | -5cm |
Left Thigh | 60cm | 54cm | -6cm |
Dress Size | 18 (tight but I refused to buy a size 20) | 12 | -4 dress sizes |
So my goal is just another 3.5kg; 4cm off my hips and 6.5cm off my waist to get to my body before four pregnaincies, then I can re-set my goals for the ultimate incredible body!!
Thank you once again, I couldn’t have done it without you.
xoxoxox Katrina
For me, going to the gym and training every day is my top achievement. I have learned that nothing is ever as scary as it seems, eating for fuel is sooooooooo much better than junk ever makes you feel and I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything by not eating my old favourites.
I love that after only two weeks, I’m loving training (instead of dreading it), I’m making extra effort to eat for fuel, and I don’t feel like eating foods that lack nutrients even when I see others eating them!
Just a quick note to say I’m absolutely loving the Week 3 gym workout!
The thrusting bb and forced lateral exercises really have me pushing it, it’s great and I feel really strong, ha!
I seem to be getting a whole lot out of the circuit format, thank you.
I just wanted to touch base with you since downloading your incredible e-book a few weeks ago. My name is Chantelle Fairall, I am 42 years old and married with 2 beautiful daughters aged 11 and 14. Like yourself I have been in the Fitness Industry for the past 20 years as a Personal Trainer and RPM, Boxing Instructor. I gave up the group fitness a few years ago and now only train a few friends of mine. Unfortunately I burnt myself out. I still train myself and have learned that proper nutrition out ways everything else.
I was just going nowhere and didn’t know whether to completely give up my career in the Fitness/Lifestyle industry or not. Since connecting with you on Facebook and downloading your free e-book along with all your educational tips on fat loss, nutrition and motivation etc I have a new lease on life. Thank you for opening my eyes and realising why I love this industry so very much.
Will you be coming to Perth to run any courses in the near future?
I have taken your advice and pushed PLAY.