Kat’s Podcast Library

I am Worthy banner

I’ve put this podcast together for you to use as a meditation tool to help you get clear in your head how incredible and worthy of your dreams YOU are! You have the power to live the life you want & to make any and all of your dreams come true. I know how hard it is to feel that your dreams are just that little bit to far out of your reach; whether it be to have a flat stomach, financial freedom or setting up

LGNbutton13an amazing business that allows you to live an incredible life. This podcast has been created as a tool to help you believe that these things are there for you, you do deserve them and they will be yours! You have it within you to live the life you want to live. Let’s work together to discover your underlying beliefs and give you the life you deserve, today!



Overcome Emotional Eating Podcast Banner


The thing with your eating, your emotional eating, is that it is serving you in some way. Whether you realize it or not, you are benefiting from it. It’s allowing you to escape, to push down the stress and anxiety about not just your busy day but about how your life is turning out.

How you are turning out?

And at the same time, it is allowing you to perpetuate beliefs about yourself, beliefs that often go way back.

Most women who struggle with emotional eating and self-sabotage do so not because they are weak-willed or simply stuck in a bad pattern, but because they are lost for true direction and purpose, for life satisfaction really, and because they are bound by a myriad of beliefs and expectations about who they are and who they are allowed to be.

The eating is not about the food, it’s not about the heady rush of sugar or comfort starch, but rather it’s about creating a sense of fullness emotionally. Spiritually even.


I understand. I’ve been there, and that is why I’ve created this step-by-step podcast to help YOU break the cycle & understand why. Pop the podcast on when every you feel like you’re going to emotional eat. You can break the cycle of food bondage.



Kat Interview Podcast

In this interview podcast, I share my secrets on how to get leaner, stronger & hotter with Mark Ottobre (Maximus Mark). Mark is the author of Eat Your Way To Abs and The Truth About Supplements Series, and specialises in creating head turning body transformations – the kind that lead most people to get into modelling or competing, even if that wasn’t something they’d ever previously considered! In fact, Mark has trained many competitors including a two-time Mr and Ms Australia as well as a Ms Olympia.

LGNbutton13Here is a snapshot of some of the things I cover:

  • The very tricky topic of female fat loss
  • Her top 5 super charged supplements that are a must – specifically for females
  • Common myths and mistakes on female fat loss
  • Her personal beliefs around pregnancy, training and nutrition! (I found this extremely interesting!!)
  • Plus loads more

Find Your Dreams











What it all comes down to is this –

What would make you feel most alive and in love with your life? Happiness as most people define it is a myth. It’s one of those wriggly things that escapes you almost as soon as you had it. Tells you there is something more you need. So this is what I want you to ask yourself instead.What are the feelings that you would love to experience more often?

Once you pinpoint how you want to feel; the things that make you feel most alive and in love with your life and yourself, it’s easy to find your dreams.

I’ve created the Find Your Dreams, Podcast & Strategy Worksheet to help you do exactly that!LGNbutton13