I’ve created a home study course. It’s about letting the fat girl inside of you finally break free, letting her leave for good.
Here’s the thing.
We all have this inner perception of ourselves.
Me, for example, when I’m in the gym I see myself as strong. I expect to be stronger than other girls training around me, I expect to recover faster as well. To be fitter, fittest. I expect even to be stronger than myself the last time! And when I am, it comes as no surprise. After all, I expected nothing less. It’s just part of who I am.
who are you?
How do you see yourself, really?
Do you see a woman who others admire for her devotion to clean health and fitness? Do you see a woman who is lean, fit, healthy, confident? Able to let go and let her hair down guilt free end always easily able to rebound back into shape if she does go off track on the odd occasion?
Or do you see a woman who can never quite get there? Who doesn’t have what it takes? Who just can’t beat the urge to emotionally eat, to yoyo back and forth with her health, her weight, her sanity?
Do you see a fat girl, a fat YOU, who is just never going to go away?
what you see is what you get
Whatever you think about yourself, whatever you believe the real truth of who you are to be, will become your reality.
It’s why you can eat clean for days or even weeks on end and then cave and binge.
It’s why you self sabotage at night after a perfect day.
It’s why you just can’t seem to break the physical barriers you know you’re capable of.
It’s why that final 5 finds its way back to your ass no matter how many times you manage to get rid of the darn thing.
It’s why, for as long as you believe it to be true, you WILL continue to make yourself into the fat girl you see yourself as. In whatever form that means to you, and I know you understand what I mean in using that term.
it’s time to get the inner you looking and feeling damn fine!
You don’t need the nuts and bolts at this stage, do you?
You don’t need to know any more tricks or twists on the perfect clean eating diet. It’s always interesting to read about and even try new ideas on Paleo eating, on how to get lean, but let’s be honest.
You know what it takes, for the most part.
The problem is not knowledge.
The problem is you just cant seem to damn well follow through!
Overcome Emotional Eating – A Video Home Study Course
I’ve fought bulimia and won. I’ve fought binge eating and won. I’ve spent years going back and forth on overeating, on trying to feel in control by using food to deal, on yoyo-ing weight and an even deeper yoyo-ing of body image.
I’ve done the counseling, the therapy, read the books, filled dozens of journals and hundreds of tissues.
I’ve looked at myself in the mirror and thought, with near exhaustion and the question of whether I shouldn’t just give up hovering –
“Will I ever get there? Will I ever be that girl?”
And I did. I am.
But it took years. Hundreds of dollars in therapy. Day after day after week after week after month after year where I wondered if I’d ever break through.
In the end, all of the therapy and counseling and the reading all helped. Of course.
But what it really came down to for me, what caused me to eventually develop a system for once and for all kicking my inner fat girls butt, and what has allowed me to do the same with the women I privately coach and successful help break through is this –
You have to be aligned
with being lean.
Fit. Truly healthy.
And you can be.
My system works on overcoming even the deepest set beliefs on how you see yourself.
And in my Overcome Emotional Eating – Home Study Course I will, for the first time, reveal my ‘kick your inner fat girls butt’ system.
what we will cover
- We will get into the heart of your deepest beliefs about yourself.
- Where they came from and how to delete and replace them. The stuff that has held you back, bound you and kept you trapped; perhaps without you even realising it.
- I’ll teach you the world renowned program I use (free and easy to learn) that literally resets your beliefs about yourself and aligns you for success.
- We will be covering binge and emotional eating in detail. What it’s really about for you and how to break free of it for life.
- We will talk body image, and what you really want. Openly and with no judgement, and only if you want to share of course. I’ll show you how to reprogram your thoughts for success, for confident, for creating the body and the life you want in a way that you can believe in, trust, and get results from.
- I’ll help you discover your deepest dreams. Your purpose, your passion, your ‘why’. The stuff that you need to create in your life in order to let go of that pressure; that urge. I’ll show you how to make it happen as well.
Other things we will cover include control issues, self-sabotage, self-punishment, setting goals for your body that work, and how to stay on track in your crazy-stressful-yet-ultimately-by-design life.
We will be doing transformation exercises, belief changing, imprinting, and much more.
what you can expect to get out of this and keep with you
What you can expect is to completely change the way you see yourself, and therefore to effortlessly start taking the daily actions to meet your goal.
To emotionally and physically let go of that last bit of baggage.
You’ll find you stay on track without the ‘urge’ building up, that the emotional ties to food begin to break down and disappear.
You will find yourself living with more joy, more certainty, more confidence. And more of that damn fine body that’s waiting to come out.
The pressure, the need to escape will slowly dissolve and fade away.
You will identify more of your purpose, your passion, your ‘why’ then you’ve ever previously been able to. You will have a clear and defined plan of how to create that dream life, with the dream body as part of it.
You will walk out completely empowered, confident, and certain that you are finally going to let go of this thing. And you will let go of it.
Something else, unrelated to design that I wanted to share with you.
Food. We eat it everyday. The right food provides us with energy, fuel and nourishment. But, sometimes it’s not so much about food. Sometimes it’s about eating. Eating for health and hunger, yes. But also eating for comfort or because you are bored or tired or upset about something completely unrelated to food.
Eating to deal with emotions – loneliness, anger, sadness, frustration. Eating when you’re not even hungry at all, but because you need to fill a void. Fill it with something. Anything. Eating because it’s a habit. Because it’s what you’ve always done. Because somehow food provides you with a coping mechanism. A distraction.
Eating because it makes you feel something.
For a minute.
A second.
And then suddenly it’s over and you’re back to where you were in the beginning.
Unless you eat something else.
Then the cycle begins again.
And sometimes it’s hard to stop. Each bite gives you that mini rush – of flavour, texture, the act of chewing. Sensation. Even once your stomach is full. You know you’ve had enough but you’re not quite ready to let it go yet. To come back to reality. From what? From where? Most of the time you don’t even know. It’s easier to focus instead on the food. And so you continue to eat. Slowly. Experiencing everything. Sweet, salty, crunchy. Savouring it all.
And then something changes. There comes a point where you don’t taste the food anymore. The whole experience becomes mechanical. Autopilot. Time speeds up. Nothing can stop you now. Don’t think, just eat. Eat until you’re finished. Until you feel full. Until you can’t possibly fit another thing inside.
Then you stop.
You’ve gone too far.
It hits you.
Too full.
You feel sick.
And in that moment you hate the food and the eating and you hate that you do this to yourself. And yet you still want more. But you know you’ve reached your limit. Yes, you actually do have limits. And so instead of thinking about the food or the reasons why you started eating it in the first place, you focus instead on how you feel now. Repulsion and shame for every thought about what you’ve just done to yourself and your body. Your poor body. And you curl yourself up into a ball, turn out the lights and try to sleep. And as your belly squirms, you promise yourself that it will be different next time.
Over and over.
You tell yourself.
That was the last time.
You say to yourself.
You don’t do this anymore.
You’re no longer that person.
You’re better than she is.
You’re smarter.
And you tell yourself that you can beat this. That you’ve got everything under control. Even though you’re still not entirely sure. Yet, you try to believe in yourself with all of your heart. Because in the moment that’s the best you can do. And you hug your knees in close to your chest and you cry.
‘Next time will be different…’
You whisper.
It will.
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this is my dream for you
I wish, 10+ years ago, that I had have found someone to help me who truly understood what I was going though and what I needed. Who really got what that whole crazy mess in my head was all about. Who could have saved me the hundreds and hundreds of dollars on therapy and food I didn’t need, and the self hate, and the despair, and the fear that I’d never get there.
I wish someone could have told me you will get there. It’s going to be okay. It will all work out.
And you are that girl.
Right now, whether you come to the workshop or not, I’m telling you –
You are that girl.
You have what it takes.
You can kick your inner fat girls butt, for good.
And I’d love to show you how.
Secure your copy of my Emotional Eating Home Study Course now by clicking the link below! The course is the real deal. And it will change you. Free you. Finally and for good.
Life is Now. Press Play.