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How I (Finally) Got My First Set of Abs!

October 18th, 2013

I went through a phase in my early to mid twenties when I fell completely out of the routine of exercise and eating well. What I didn’t share as much of in that post is the specific actions I took, the practical changes and the…

Getting Back On Track After A Splurge

February 26th, 2013

Last night we went to a Lebanese restaurant for dinner. The food was fantastic. I found my good intentions of sticking with just meat and marinated veggies flew out the window and before I knew it I’d worked my way through the better half of…

Why Your Butt Just Keeps Getting Bigger!

February 22nd, 2013

Let’s talk hormones. Just for a few minutes, and just in terms of hormones and body fat. ‘Cause let’s face it – as much as we know hormones are relevant to all aspects of health including mental and emotional wellness, what we are MOST curious…