Are You Unknowingly Living A Fat Lifestyle?
This one’s not for all of you. If you eat poorly, snack regularly on junk foods, and don’t even bother to exercise, then you really aren’t my target market for this article. Still worth a read, mind you!
But if you exercise regularly, eat ‘well’ and really try your best to stay in shape – yet somehow don’t manage it, then this one’s for you.
You might be living a fat lifestyle without realizing it.
Here are the top five ‘secret fat lifestyle’ giveaways:
1. You eat a low-fat diet
2. You eat on the run
3. You drink plenty of juice, cordial, or soda – including diet
4. You use artificial sweeteners
5. You eat plenty of grains
Here are some (possibly harsh) home-truths that you MUST pay attention to if you are serious about becoming a leaner, healthier and happier you.
1. Low-fat diets are a scam. The more you deprive yourself of fat, the more your body will be determined to STORE FAT as a survival mechanism. Steer clear of low-fat products (which are typically high in sugar), and choose natural, preferably organic fats to sustain energy and build your metabolism. Organic meat, coconut oil, raw dairy, extra virgin olive oil, and avocadoes are some of my favourites.
2. Eating on the run is criminal behaviour if you’re trying to lose weight. It often means you eat more, you don’t chew properly (which affects digestion and can lead to weight gain and cravings), and your go-go-go attitude puts your body into a stress response which causes increased fat storage. Respect your body and your food, and prioritise that which is truly important – your health. If you don’t take time for health now, your body will inevitably cause a crash at some point in the future.
3. Beverages are one of the sneakiest ‘fat lifestyle’ factors. Avoid anything diet, anything sugar added, and even non-sugar added fruit juices, unless they are freshly squeezed, Even then, I wouldn’t make them a regular part of your diet.
4. Studies have shown people who use artificially sweeteners, or consume foods with artificial sweeteners, gain weight FASTER than those who eat or drink foods with real sugar in them. See my other articles on this site for more information.
5. The grain industry has sold you a lie. Humans did not evolve eating an 80% carbohydrate, or grain-heavy diet. Latest estimates indicate that 65% of Americans are grain intolerant, and most don’t even realise! This is mainly because we eat too much of the stuff! Poor quality and poor assimilation and digestion are other factors. I know they’re convenient, but that is truly all they have going for them. Make the effort to eat carbohydrates from vegetables and your body will thank you. What’s more important? Convenience – or your weight and your health?
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